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'Rosa indica fragrans Redout. & Thory synonym' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 100-712
most recent 11 JUN 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 JUN 17 by CybeRose
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London
Magazine (1842) Page(s) 254.
Observations upon the Effects produced on Plants by the Frost which occurred in England in the Winter of 1837-8. By John Lindley, Ph. D. F. R. S. &c. &c. Vice Secretary.
Read December 4, 1838.
The white and yellow China Rose, the sweet scented hybrid, Hamon, and Blairii, were entirely destroyed even in Hampshire

The phrase "the sweet scented hybrid" refers to Hamon. I.e., the sweet scented hybrid (Hamon),

This is an example of the ambiguity of commas: they may separate items in a list, and they may be used in place of parentheses. They are confusing when used in both ways in the same sentence.
Discussion id : 90-507
most recent 24 JAN 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 JAN 16 by MelissaPej
Okay, I'm wondering about the variety of photos I see here. The 'Odorata' I grow, from two sources, has pink-tinged white blooms, not too double, of modest dimensions, cupped. The photos posted by the Museo della Rosa Antica show a variety that, compared to my rose, has a yellow tinge, is more double, and has rolled-back petals. The South African 'Hume's Blush' candidate is decidedly pinker than my rose. I don't make any claims for the authenticity of any of these varieties, but wished to point out that they look like different kinds.
P.S. My variety grows larger than the size given in the description, about 4' x 3' growing in poorish conditions.
Discussion id : 76-378
most recent 31 JAN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JAN 14 by CybeRose
American Flower-garden Directory (1832)
Hibbert & Buist (Philadelphia, Pa.)
p. 183-184
No. 8. Rosa odorata, or Tea-rose, celebrated in this country for its fragrance being similar to fine Hyson tea. It justly deserves preference of all China roses, for the delicacy of its flavour. The flowers are a cream coloured blush, the petals round and full, forming a very large rose; when full blown, it is pendulous. It will withstand the winter of the middle states with a little protection, such as straw, box, or barrel; requires very rich light soil.

And on I learned that:

"Hyson tea is referenced in the first stanza of 'Xenophanes' by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1847: 'By fate, not option, frugal Nature gave One scent to hyson and to wall-flower, One sound to pine-groves and to waterfalls, One aspect to the desert and the lake.'"

So, the famous tea-scent was thought to be similar to the fragrance of the wallflower.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 JAN 14 by jedmar
Here is another ereference to Hyson
Discussion id : 76-341
most recent 29 JAN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JAN 14 by CybeRose
Cottage Gardener 7(163): 97-99 (Nov 19, 1851)
Donald Beaton

I well recollect the time when the first Tea-Scented Rose appeared in this country, it was called Rosa odorata, and was a blush-white Rose; we used to bed it out, after propagating it, in August or September, like the Verbenas, and, like them, we had to keep it from the frost in the winter. The best plant of it I ever saw died last June; it must have been twenty years old, and taken great care of all the time by poor old Mr. Lovett, who was gardener to the late Sir W. Middleton for three-and-thirty years, and to the present baronet until he was pensioned off with a cottage in the park, where he died, at a green old age, a few weeks after his favourite Rosa odorata; it stood in an angle formed by a chimney stack, which projected from the gable of the cottage, having a south aspect, and a narrow-leaved myrtle stood at the opposite angle. I believe neither plant ever had any protection; but except in such favoured situations, I think the Tea Roses in general will do little good in this climate, unless they are taken as much care of in winter as the myrtles; and we shall never see them in perfection in England until cheap Rose-houses are devised for them; the glass to be kept on from October to May, then to let them have the full benefit of our sun and air all the summer.
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