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'Westerland' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 49-270
most recent 30 OCT 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 OCT 10 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
I've had this cultivar well over 10 years. Invariably it blossoms late in Spring here. In my very dry warm low desert location, the blossoms scorch badly even in partially shade.

Fall blossoms are much better but it seems the petal count is lower than in most other areas.
Discussion id : 48-089
most recent 15 SEP 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 SEP 10 by cmtksu12
An awesome rose for me! I bought it as an ownroot rose in a small container and it tripled even quadrupled in size the first year. This is it's first full season in the ground here as I planted her last summer and she's fully 6 ft tall now! Her blooms are exquisite, a beautiful peach/orange color and smell divine. She's totally disease-free for me. Quite vigorous and has put out laterals in abundance all year. A keeper! Every rose lover should have one.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 SEP 10 by HMF Admin
Thanks for sharing your experience. If only more of our site guests would share their experience like this. Thanks again.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 15 SEP 10 by cmtksu12
You are welcome! I totally agree that more members need to talk about their experiences with their plants. As gardeners, we depend on these descriptions and experiences when planning for our own plants and gardens. It gives us a "feel" for how a plant may look, smell, perform, and grow in our garden.
Discussion id : 41-915
most recent 24 JAN 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 JAN 10 by wernersen
Dear HMF team
is there an chance to display the number of unique descendants of each cultivar in the "descendants by generation" display the same way as "BLOOD LINE PCT" in "parentage bloodline".

I am interested in breeding and therefore roam a lot in the brilliant "Lineage" section since I am sure a lot can be learned there. I love the parantage tree and the parantage bloodline info.
I am also very interested the descendants of cultivars in order to identify succeccfull breeding parants. Therefore I am checking e.g. how many unique descendants a plant has and would like to check the most successfull descentants in the following generations. Unfortunatelly this is rather tiring since I need to open every single descendant cultivar to check for the number of next generation descentants.
My initial proposal would ease a lot the following of main bloodlines downwards from an interesting cultivar.

Another idea of mine is a kind of "descendants tree". Of course not each descendant could be displayed in following generations. If you would limit the display to only those descendants that contributed at least say 30%-50% to the total number of unique descendants of the next higher generation the "descendants tree" would´nt spread to excessivly in few generation, but still would give a good visual representation of main bloodlines downward.

Thanks HMF keep on going

Sorry I did´nt mean to place this posting to "Westerland". Maybe you can move it to the general breeding sction.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 21 JAN 10 by HMF Admin

Excellent suggestions and thank you for the kudos ! We're always interested in hearing how we can make HelpMeFind better.

We have so many great ideas of our own and our members to implement - now we just need more of our site guests to support HelpMeFind by becoming Premium-membership members so we can afford the necessary programming.

Please note there are no annoying car ads or credit card offers on HMF - this is a user-community supported website. If everyone just pitches in a little ...

Meanwhile, we will add your suggestions to our enhancement list and look at the feasibility. We encourage others to comment if they are also interested in seeing your suggestions implemented.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 21 JAN 10 by wernersen
Thanks for adding my suggestion to your list.
I became premium memeber just recently, mostly because I now feel more entitled to make such suggestions and since a lot of information interesting to me is only accessible as premium memeber. I am using these now happily and do not regret becoming premium member.

Still, I do not fully agree with your absolute no ad´s policy. I would not mind a reasonable amount of advertisements if they are somehow related to gardening. In every journal you will find advertisements, mostly in some way related to the subject and readers accept it. I do not only tolerate them, but value them as an additional source of information to a certain level. Sometimes you become aware of a new product you were looking for or improvments in old ones.
If you have a look at the "Commercial" section e.g. "Products & services" there is almost no information available at HMF. I would´nt mind to get more there even if it comes directly from the supplier.
A banner here and there would not compromise the information provided in HMF in my eyes. Advertised products might even be reviewed by users.

In my opinion you really should think about opening up HMF to a bit more comercialisation to overcome funding problems!
The information provided in HMF is so valuable, that it should be kept available for sure (!!) and to as many people as possible.

Reply #3 of 5 posted 22 JAN 10 by HMF Admin
In preparation to adding your request to our enhancement list, we were looking closer at the details as well as the existing descendant reporting and we need you to be more specific. The existing reporting already includes a heading line with the count of unique descendants - what more were you looking for ?

Regarding a descendant tree - given the sheer number of descendant in many cases this could be difficult to illustrate in a tree diagram.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 24 JAN 10 by wernersen
I know there is a heading line showing unique descentans. What I suggested is to display the numer of descendants for each of the listed descendants. For example Frühlingsgold:
if I go to "descendants by generation" I see there are 19 unique descendants.
In the first generation there are:
Casino x Frühlingsgold
Hedi Grimm (shrub, Scholle, 1970)
Herbstfeuerselbstung x Frühlingsgold
Leverkusen x Frühlingsgold

but how many descendants has each of these? To get this info I need to open each rose, klick to lineage and chose descendants by generation. Finaly I will find, Fruhlingstag has 14 descedants and therefor contributes most to the lineage down from Fruhlingsgold, while the others have no descendants. This however gets increasingly tiring with 30 first gen. descendants. What I suggested is to present these numbers for each listed descendant:
Casino x Frühlingsgold 0
Fruhlingstag 14
Hedi Grimm (shrub, Scholle, 1970) 0
Herbstfeuerselbstung x Frühlingsgold 0
Leverkusen x Frühlingsgold 0
Maigold 13

In many cases only few of the first generation descendants have themselfs many descendants, so that main breeding lines can be followed downwards.

"Regarding a descendant tree - given the sheer number of descendant in many cases this could be difficult to illustrate in a tree diagram."

I am quite aware of this problem, therefor I suggested to display only those descendants in each generation that contribute at least 30% to the next higher generation, limiting the spliting of the tree to max. 3. In my example there would be only one in each following generation:

I am not sure if this really can be realised in a reasonable and consistent manner, this was just free thinking.

I would be very happy if my first suggestion could be realised
Reply #5 of 5 posted 24 JAN 10 by HMF Admin
The analysis you suggest is certainly doable but in many cases it would be very computer intensive and potentially too taxing on our server. It's a good idea so we'll have to look into how the process might be optimized to be feasible on our equipment.
Discussion id : 39-580
most recent 4 OCT 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 OCT 09 by arvid jørgensen
A Westerland was one of the first roses I planted in my garden. I now have four of them, which should reveal my satisfaction with this rose quite perfectly. Here in Norway this rose is often known as "De folkevalgtes rose" ("The Rose of the People`s Chosen") as a number of roses have been planted in front of "Stortinget" (The Parliament Building) in Oslo. Here they are of course of a "normal" size for a shrub rose as they are regularily cut back in spring. My oldest plant is now reaching close to 3 meters as it has to had to compete with a substantial "New Dawn" to get its fair share of sunshine. The plant seems to bloom in flushes, sometimes displaying enormous clusters with countless flowers. The golden orange coloured flowers fading to a beautiful rose pink/golden yellow have a wonderful scent. Besides the plant is practically disease free. We enjoy rather mild winters here at Lista, so I am lucky to be able to grow roses without thinking too much about how low temperatures they are fit for. However I know this rose is widely grown in Norway and thus also suitable for somewhat harsher climates than mine. I have recommended this rose to many gardeners, and will go on doing so as it is a very good shrub rose well worth growing.
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