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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Sue Montoya
Discussion id : 20-645
most recent 31 JUL 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JUL 07 by james dean
Sue, I live in Phoenix also and was wondering if your Blue Angel is a climber? I found mine at Home Depot a couple of years ago and it is doing very well on a wall facing the south. I thought that I had quite a few roses with around 100!
Discussion id : 9-716
most recent 4 AUG 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 05 by Roberta
I have been looking for a "Melissa" rose for 3 years. I have a special garden with rose bushes with the names of 3 of my 4 daughters, and Melissa is the only rose I'm lacking. Could you tell me where to find one - or would you sell a cutting from yours? Thank you, Roberta
Reply #1 of 2 posted 3 AUG 05 by Sue Montoya
Hi Roberta,
Unfortunately the "Melissa" miniature that I had died a couple of weeks ago. The heat here in Phoenix claims a few every year. It was abundant at the local Lowe's garden center. I'm planning on trying again this fall. It was the prettiest pale pink. Check back with me this winter and if you are still having trouble, I could send you a cutting when I get a replacement.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 4 AUG 05 by Roberta
Thanks for the reply - I have a daughter who lives in Phoenix - so I will ask her to check at Lowes first - if she can't find it - I will email you later this winter -
thanks again!
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