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A New Herball
(1586)  Page(s) 756-757, 759.  
The first kinde of garden Roses, is the white Rose, whose stalkes, or branches are long, and of a woody nature or substance ten, twelve, or twentie foote high, and sometimes longer, if they be staied up or succoured. In many places set full of sharpe hooked prickles, or thornes. The leaves be long, and made of fine or seven leaves, standing one against an other all uppon a stemme, whereof eache leafe by it selfe is rough, and knipt about the edges like to a sawe. The buds do growe amongest the leaves uppon those stemmes, closed in with five small leaves, wherof two are bearded uppon both sides, two have no beards, and the fift is bearded uppon one side. When these buddes do open and spreade, the sweete and pleasant Roses do muster and shelve feerth of colour white with divers yellow haires in the middle. The flowers fallen there come up rounde knops, and red when the be ripe, within which is a hard seed wrapped in haire or wool. The root of the Rose bushe is of a wooddy substance like to the roote of other low trees and plants.
....The first kind of garden Roses is called in Italy, Rosa Damascena, in this country, Rosa alba: in French, Rose blanche: in high Douch, Weisz Rosen: in base Almaigne, Witte Rosen: in English, white Roses. And this kinde seemeth to be that, which Plinie calleth in Latine, Campana Rosa.
(1586)  Page(s) 758, 760.  
Besides the Roses aforesaid, there is yet an other kinde of Rose plant, which beareth yellow Roses, in all things else like to the wild Rose plant, as in shoots, twigs, and leaves.
....The Nint is called the yealowe Rose: in French, Rose jaulnes.
(1586)  Page(s) 757, 760.  
The fift is a kinde of single Roses, which is small and called Cassia, or Canell Rose, or the Rose smelling like Cassia. The leaves whereof be smaller than the leaves of the other Roses, the shoots and twigs be also smal and thicke, set with thorny prickles of a browne russet colour, growing almost to the height of the Province Roses. The flowers be smal and single, sweet smelling, and of a pale red colour, and sometimes carnation.
....The fift kind is called of the herborists of Brabant, Caneel Rooskens, that is to say, the Rose smelling like Caneel or Cassia, and possible this is Rosa Praenestina of Plinie: some call it in English, the Cyvet Rose, or bastard Muske Rose.
(1586)  Page(s) 757, 760.  
..Muske Roses........grow up almost as high as the Damaske or Province Rose.
...The third kind .....we call them in English, Roses of Province, and Damaske Roses.
(1586)  Page(s) 758, 760.  
The Eglentine or sweete brier, may also be counted of the kinds of Roses, for it is like to the wild Rose plant, in sharpe and cruell shoots, springs, and rough branches. The leaves also be not much unlike, but greener and of a pleasanter smell. The flowers be single, smaller than the flowers of the wilde Rose, most commonly white and sometimes red, after which there come also little knops or long red berries as in the other roses, in which the seed is couched.
....The last is called of Plinie....Lychnis: in Latine, Rosa Graeca: in French, and base Almaigne, Eglantier: in English, Eglantine.
(1586)  Page(s) 757, 760.  
The sixt kinde of Roses called Muske Roses, hath slender springs and shoots, the leaves and flowers be smaller than the other Roses, yet they grow up almost as high as the Damaske or Province Rose. The flowers be small and single, and sometimes double, of a white colour and pleasant savour, in proportion not much unlike the wild Roses, or Canell Roses.
....the Muske Roses do flower in May, and againe in September, or thereabouts.
...The sixt is named of Plinie in Latine, Rosa Coroneola, of the writers at this day Rosa sera, and Rosa autumnalis: in French, Rose Musquée, and Roses de Damas: in base Almaigne, Musket Rooskens,: in English also, Muske Roses, bicause of their pleasant sent.
(1586)  Page(s) 757, 759.  
The third kind are they which some call Roses of Province, whose shoots and springs be like them of the red Rose, sayving that they grow up higher, and yet for al that they grow not so high as the white Rose, so that this Rose should seeme to be a middle sort or meane kind betwixt the red and the white Roses, which thing the very colour of the flowers declare to be true, for they be neither red nor white, but of a mixt colour betwixt red and white, almost carnation colour, in all things like to the others.
....Muske Roses........grow up almost as high as the Damaske or Province Rose.
...The third kind is called in French, Rosee de Provinces. in base Almaigne, Provinsche Roosen: in high Douch, Liebfarbige Rosen: in which peradventure are they which Plinie calleth Alabandicas Rosas: we call them in English, Roses of Province, and Damaske Roses.
(1586)  Page(s) 757, 759.  
The second kind of garden Roses be red, and are like to the white in leaves, shoots, & branches, but they never grow so high nor so great, neither are the branches so large. The flowers be of a pleasant savour, or colour red, and fashioned like the white Roses.
....The second kinde of Roses is called Rosa purpurea, and Rosa rubra: in Englishe, red Roses, and of common people, double Roses: in French, Rose rouge, and Roses Francois: in high Douch, Roter Rosen: in base Almaigne, Roode Rosen. And under this kind are comprehended the Roses which Pliny calleth Trachinias, amongst which Rosae Milesia are the deepest red.
(1586)  Page(s) 757-758, 760.  
The wild Rose leaves be rough and prickley. The springs, branches, and shoots, are full of sharpe hooks or crooked prickles, like the white double Rose of the garden, but much lesser, and the leaves be smaller, the flowers be also single, white, and drawing towards carnation colour, and without savour. The which being fallen away, there rise round knops and buttons, the seede is couched and laid, in a hairy downe or rough cotton. Upon this plant or bush is sometimes found a spongious ball, rough haired, and of a greene colour turning towards red, and is to be found about the moneth of June.
...The wild groweth in many places of Brabant and other countries, alongst by hedges and ditches, & other wild places alongst briers and thornes...
...The seventh kind is Latine, rosa canina, and Rosa sylvestris: in French, Rose sauvage: in high Douch, Wilder Rosen, & Heckrosen: in base Almaigne, Wilde Rosen: in English, the Brier bush, the wild Rose, and Heptree. The spongious ball or that rounde rough excrescence which is found oftentimes growing both upon the wild Rose and Eglantine bushes, is called of some apothecaris Bedegar: but wrongfully, for Bedegar, is not that thistle which is commonly called Carlina, Cramine Bedegar, lib.4.fol.361.
(1586)  Page(s) 758, 760.  
Amongst the kinds of wild Roses, there is found a sort, whose shoots, twigs, and branches, are covered all over with thicke smal thorny prickles. The flowers be small, single, and white, and of a very good savour. The whole plant is base and low, and the least of all both of the garden and wild kind of Roses.
...The other wild kind groweth in certaine places upon rampers and banks cast up by mans hands, & upon the sea coast of Flanders.
...The eight is called of the neather Douchmen, Duyn Rooskens, of the place whereas it is founde growing, and it shoulde seeme to Latine, Canirubus, and Rubus canis, and of Plinie, Rosa spinosa.
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