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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The American Agriculturist
(1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Prince's Linnaean Botanical Garden...Hyb. Perpetuals...Dutchess de Montmorency...
(Aug 1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Advertisements...Roses exhibited by William R. Prince & Co., June 25th, 1845.
China.—Archduke Charles, Tancrede, Abelard, Miranda, Darius, Mioland, Reine des Belges, La Superbe, Le Camoens, Jeune Arcole, Caroline de Berri, Hermine, Joseph Deschiens, Roi de Hollande, Menes, Vilmorin.
(Aug 1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Prince's Linnaean Botanic Garden....Hybrid Bourbon: Joasine, Victor Hugo, Hortense Leroy.
(Aug 1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Advertisements...Roses exhibited by William R. Prince & Co., June 25th, 1845.
China.—Archduke Charles, Tancrede, Abelard, Miranda, Darius, Mioland, Reine des Belges, La Superbe, Le Camoens, Jeune Arcole, Caroline de Berri, Hermine, Joseph Deschiens, Roi de Hollande, Menes, Vilmorin.
(Aug 1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Advertisements...Roses exhibited by William R. Prince & Co., June 25th, 1845.
China.—Archduke Charles, Tancrede, Abelard, Miranda, Darius, Mioland, Reine des Belges, La Superbe, Le Camoens, Jeune Arcole, Caroline de Berri, Hermine, Joseph Deschiens, Roi de Hollande, Menes, Vilmorin.
(1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Prince's Linnaean Botanic Garden...Roses - Black -....La Negresse...
(Aug 1846)  Page(s) 236.  
Advertisements...Roses exhibited by William R. Prince & Co., June 25th, 1845.
China.—Archduke Charles, Tancrede, Abelard, Miranda, Darius, Mioland, Reine des Belges, La Superbe, Le Camoens, Jeune Arcole, Caroline de Berri, Hermine, Joseph Deschiens, Roi de Hollande, Menes, Vilmorin.
(Aug 1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Advertisements...Roses exhibited by William R. Prince & Co., June 25th, 1845.
China.—Archduke Charles, Tancrede, Abelard, Miranda, Darius, Mioland, Reine des Belges, La Superbe, Le Camoens, Jeune Arcole, Caroline de Berri, Hermine, Joseph Deschiens, Roi de Hollande, Menes, Vilmorin.
(1846)  Page(s) 263.  
Plants, Flowers, &c, exhibited at the First Semi-Annual Exhibition of the Long Island Horticultural Society, at Flushing, on the 11th and 12th of June, 1846, from the Linnaean Botanic Gardens and Nurseries of Wm. R. Prince & Co....Bengal.....Madame Fries Morel....
(Nov 1866)  Page(s) 402.  Includes photo(s).
Tea Roses—Marechal Niel
Most of us can recollect when a Tea-rose was a great rarity; now they are among the most common of roses. They are deservedly popular, for they are such free bloomers, and the beauty of their flowers, and the delicacy of their fragrance commend them to all. It is true they are tender and require to be protected from the severity of our winters— but those who really love roses will not mind this. Some of the more hardy Tea-roses, such as Safrano, may be laid down, and covered with earth, in the manner described by Mr. Henderson, in September last, and it is probable that in favorable situations, all but the very delicate ones may be wintered in this way. Those too tender to be risked out under a covering of earth, may be potted and put in a cool green-house or cellar. Among the new Tea-roses none has received more universal approbation among European cultivators than the Marechal Niel. It is a seedling of M. Pradel, of Montauban, France, and was flowered this summer for the first time in this country. We saw a fine lot of it in the grounds of Mr. Peter Henderson, and took a specimen from which the engraving is made. We can only show the form of the bud and partly open flower, while the fine yellow color must be left to the imagination. The expanded flowers are large and full—but like those of other trees— less beautiful than when they are only partly opened. The foliage is good, the habit of the plant vigorous, and it is a very free bloomer. In France, it is regarded as one of the hardiest of its class, but with us it will require the experience of this winter to prove it in this respect.
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