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The American Rose Magazine
(1918)  Page(s) 115.  
"Roses Retained and Discarded" by George C. Thomas, Jr.
Annie Crawford. Fair. Hybrid Perpetual, having no special merit.
(1975)  Page(s) 63.  
Winning roses in the international rose competition in the city of Orléans, ending last September, were recently announced, as follows:
1. Floribunda The Gold Rose of Orléans: Arnaud Delbard (Delbard, France)
(Dec 1952)  Page(s) 9.  
R. E. Shepherd. A Hedge of Roses.
The more modern Autumn Bouquet, Fragrant Beauty, and Hon. Lady Lindsay are remontant varieties of considerable merit, but not sufficiently hardy to warrant planting extensively where winter protection in required. They froze back badly in northern Ohio if unprotected, but show no winter injury south of Cincinnati!
(1975)  Page(s) 13.  
An English friend of mine, Ted Smith, train driver and part-time rose grower, scored a marvellous success with a yellow rose of his own breeding in the prestigious Rome trials-he won the Gold Medal. It proves that even for the amateur there ...
(1919)  Page(s) 100.  
Hybrid Teas. Benedicte Seguin. (Pernet-Ducher.) Bud reddish apricot, shaded carmine; flowers large, full, globular, Roman ocher, shaded coppery orange. Foliage reddish, bronzy green. Strong, erect grower.
(1953)  Page(s) 15.  
International Rose Trials of Rome ...... 1nd Certificate of Merit to No. 21 called “Bettina”, from Meilland, orange yellow, outer petals lighter with fine foliage.
(Dec 1943)  Page(s) vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 119-120.  
The Recent Horvath Climbers
R. E. Shepherd, Medina, Ohio
Although Buff King will invariably winter-kill almost to the ground it rarely fails to produce a few very beautiful amber-buff blossoms of good form and on long stems. It, like Thor, deserves winter protection. The parentage is given simply as a "Setigera hybrid."
(1944)  Page(s) 141-143. Vol 5, No. 7.  
Everblooming Ramblers. Stephen F. Hamblin, Lexington, Mass.
A very similar variety is Carolyn Dean (R. S. Moore, 1941), which is also a hybrid of Miss Barbara x Sierra Snowstorm, and is thus a sister of Chiquita. It has single orange-flame flowers in clusters,—a Phyllis Bide with single flowers. But this variety is also for mild climates, for very cold winters slow it down to a weak grower.
(1975)  Page(s) 14.  
Then Ted Smith bred a very good yellow floribunda. He took five plants and sent them off to the Trials at Monza in Italy. Imagine his delight when the postman delivered a silver medal one morning recently, naming his seedling as the second best for 1975 against world class opposition. As yet Ted has not registered a name for the rose.
(Feb 1934)  Page(s) vol 1, no. 7, p. 13.  
Father Schoener's Roses
Maud Chegwidden, Utah.
Then Charmer must be mentioned. This was probably the most lusty grower in my garden this year, none of the Hybrid Perpetuals making a greater growth. Strong reddish stems, mighty thorns (which aren't half so mean as the little thorns), healthy-looking, shining foliage—and the blooms! So many blooms on one bush seemed incredible. They were very double, with thick, waxy petals, and of a shade of flesh-pink which I find very satisfying. Flowers, too, are very large.
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