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24 APR 08
Roses in beds on south side of the house are starting to become established and I'm hopeful they will take off this year. One bed remained relatively empty; have added Colette, Climbing Souvenir de la Malmaison, Classic Woman, Crown Princess Margareta, Perdita, Jude the Obscure, Just Joey and Apricot Nectar. Already had Gloire de Dijon, Penny Lane, Martine Guillot and Frau Karl Druschki in the bed. Perhaps another one as well. Bed should be plenty full upon maturity! Interplanting lillies, gladiolus and various other filler plants. All the roses in the yard look extremely healthy. This long cool winter (that does not want to end) is not pleasant for us but obviously suits the roses. They are not very active but are mostly all leafed out, with the exception of Koenigin von Danemark on the hillside. She has leaves but is not willing to open them entirely yet.
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