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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Maurizio Usai
most recent 22 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 OCT 17 by Maurizio Usai
Aahahahha Billy! I was just thinking about what rose to plant near it - And on the list there's 'Lady Roberts' of course! Gorgeous picture!
most recent 22 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 OCT 17 by Maurizio Usai
Beautiful plant! Hope mine gets that big !
most recent 22 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 OCT 17 by Maurizio Usai
This is un update of my opinion on this rose: this is a STUNNING variety and I can't believe it's not widely grown!!

I lost my first plant of it because of intense drought in my garden at La Pietra Rossa - it was in a pot.

I planted two JW in my new garden in Petra Majore, and they are the most incredible performers there. I'm really impressed. Continuous bloom even in the middle of our summer heat ( and this year August and July were hot as hell!); the fruity scent is overwhelming, you can easily detect it from distance in the morning, or when temperatures are cooler. The flowers are born in great abundance and have the most lovely shape and colour.
Two years old plants are now approx 1,2 m tall to 1,5 m wide but I think they could easily double this size given time.
Very healthy.
most recent 22 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 OCT 17 by Maurizio Usai
I planted this rose two years ago, and it flowered for the first time past Spring. The blooms are lovely, showing a great delicacy and charm. The plant is incredibly vigorous and it's starting to grow even rampantly. Surely it deserves more attention.
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