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6 MAY 09
I purchased tiffany last year, as a potted rose at a local home depot store. It did'nt really take off well, it had some B.S. issues. I was unsure about it, but nevertheless I worked with it until dormant. Well much to my surprise tiff has taken off, she looks great and already is covered with buds. No B.S. so far her leaves are shinning and healthy. I have fertilized her and given her epsom salt and soon bannana peels.

I was surprised, especially because I gave her NO winter protection here in zone 6 (little mulch) an she didnot require much prunning at all. out of all of my roses (62) I really thought she would be the one lost, but I was mistake. Very tough little gal, vigorious grower, she puts out just as fast as my signature of jacnor. A must have for your garden!
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