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La Rose de France
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 306.  
Aimable Virginie Gallica. Miellez. Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 189.  Includes photo(s).
Alain Blanchard. Vibert, 1839.
Charpente: arbuste moins érigé que les galliques types; nombreux aiguillons crochus, acicules. Feuillage: vert clair; folioles oblongues, petites à moyennes. Fleur; inflorescences de 2 ou 3 fleurs; taille moyenne, en coupe, semi-double; étamines bien visibles. Couleur: rouge carmin pourpré et velouté, ponctué de rose. Parfum: faible.
Source: Vibert, catal. 1841 no 108. ..
Cette variété fut obtenue par Vibert qui, dans son catalogue de 1841, la décrit "grande, semi-double, violet foncé, ponctuée"; il la classait en "hybride de Centfeuilles", ce que font encore certains auteurs qui considèrent qu'il s'agit d'un hybride de Rosa gallica x Rosa centifolia....
Louis Fumierre, vice-président de la Société d'horticulture de Seine-Inférieure, prétendait en 1910 que la variété 'Alain Blanchard' avait été obtenue par Coquerel, un amateur du Havre. Pourtant Vibert, dans son catalogue de 1841, date bien cette obtention (1839), ce qu'il ne faisait que pour ses propres obtentions.
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 305.  
Alcione (Vibert) Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 305.  
Aldegonde Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 278.  
Alexandre Laquement. Before 1899.
Habit: less upright than the typical gallica; some prickles and bristles. Foliage: dark and abundant; quite large serrated leaflets. Bloom: clusters of 2 to 8 blooms. Medium size, double, quartered, sime petals in the centre not unfurled, small button eye. The exterior petals reflex when the bloom fades. Colour: Pink shaded violet and spotted. Fragrance: strong.
Bibliography: Thomas, p. 28-29. Trade: yes, but rare. Collections: author, L'Haÿ, Mottisfont, Sangerhausen.

We have not found any information on the origins of this late-blooming variety, except for the mention in the Nomenclature of Simon and Cochet, in 1899: it is stated as "violet spotted red". It is strange to note that sometimes the less old varieties are those least known about.
The specimen at L'Haÿ, entered the Rose garden after 1902, coming from the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris.
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 305.  
Alexandrine (Guerrapain, Girardon) Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 306.  
Alexandrine Cossin Gallica. Hippolyte Duval. Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.

[the abbreviation h.d. was mistaken for Hippolyte Duval]
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 65-66.  Includes photo(s).
Alice Véna Beginning of the XIXth century (?)
Habit: not as upright as the typical gallicas; quite strong branches; prickles on young wood, practically no bristles. Foliage: medium green; 5 leaflets per leaf, but often 3 or 7, slightly lanceolated. Bloom: clusters of 2 to 10 blooms, most often 5 or 6; medium size, double, but some stamens visible, quartered. Colour: deep purple-violet. slightly velvety, reminds of 'Séguier', 'Ombrée parfaite' and other roses of this colouring, base of visible petals white; fades to violet-lilac. Fragrance: strong. Trade: yes, but rare. Collection: author.
We are not placing this pretty variety as in the rare anglo-saxon notices devoted to it, it is sometimes dated to end of the XVIIIth or to the beginning of the XIXth century. In any case, no trace of it can be found in French souces, the name is probably not the original. It is listed as a hybrid of gallica and China....
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 34.  
Rosa gallica "Grandiflora ('Alika') ... the origins of this rose are not known, but it is probably a cultivated form of R. gallica... It was brought to the United States from Russia by professor Niels E. Hansen of Brooking, South Dakota... commercialised in the 1930s....and was used by Wilhelm Kordes to obtain 'Scharlachglut'...
(Jul 1998)  Page(s) 305.  
Aline (Vibert) Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
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