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Meilland: A Life in Roses
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 146.  
Interflora / renamed Interview. Meilland 1969... light scarlet red
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 149.  
La Ramée Floribunda. Meilland 1947. Crimson.
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 7.  
We know how to create a rose mauve in color by a chemcial removal of the red from purplish roses (Lady X is a sample of this technique).
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 146.  
Lovita Meilland 1966... bright light pink
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 143.  
1909 Lyon-Rambler R[ambler] Bright pink
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 144.  
Francis Dubreuil 1914 Madame Laroquette, HT, Flesh pink
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 146.  
Bettina Meilland 1978.
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 149.  
Miami Hybrid Tea. Meilland 1948... Orange, reverse veined yellow.
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 8, 32.  
[The story of 'Peace'... the author's father, Francis Meilland, had] managed to get a package of rosebushes on the last plane that left France for the United States. It was addressed to a friend, Robert Pyle, a rose grower in Pennsylvania. We had no news of him from that moment until the end of the war. Father then learned that his friend had cultivated the plants, and that they had produced marvelous flowers. He learned also that Pyle, moved by the drama into which the war had plunged France, and thinking it unfair that the work of the Meillands should not bring its reward, had succeeded in having the rose patented. This was the first rose patent, for the idea did not come from Francis Meilland.
p. 32: [In 1950, George Adams asked Antoine Meilland to recount the story of 'Peace' from the beginning, herewith some highlights of what he had to say, refer to the text for more information:]
In one of my notebooks, I found on the fifteenth of June 1935 a mark indicating my decision to produce this rose. It was assigned the number 3-35-40, which to us means that the combination was the third of the year 1935, that the plant was the fortieth out of the fifty which had been noticed before we grafted some buds of the original plants.
My notes also indicate that thirty-five flowers were fertilized under the same conditions and that from these we obtained fifty-two rose hips whose seeds yielded eight hundred small plants the following year.
How did this experiment originate? The female element of Peace was Johanna Hill while the male element came from a budding stock filled under the number 103-32-A, that is, brought into existence in 1932, and was the product of a cross between Charles P. Kilhan and Margareth MacGredy.....Finally we crossed Johanna Hill with this 103-32-A, having in mind a high branching rosebush of great hardiness, and a healthy and decorative foliage like that of Margareth MacGredy. We hoped that a color pattern would evolve between yellow and bicolor yellow-red, that is, with an extensive range of colors.
By experience we also knew that the factor which determines the form of flowers of the Ophelia variety was dominant and would be perpetuated in its descendants of the variety to which Johanna Hill belonged. The latter therefore appeared to be the best one to use because of its rather pronounced unchanging and extraordinarily sturdy foliage, of being highly resistant, and of producing buds quite as well formed as those of Ophelia.
...I still see in my mind's eye the place that the original small plant, 3-35-40 occupied, but nothing yet called it to our attention. It was in 1936 that some of its buds were grafted. The budding certainly took place very early in the season, for, about the tenth of October, when father and I were passing by the grafts in question, we notived their smooth foliage, surmounted by large buds, which were on the point of opening. Profiting by an extremely favorable period in that autumn of 1936, these buds produced flowers of marvelous form and size, of a greenish color warming toward yellow and progressively impregnated with carmine on the edges of the petals....It was this specimen [3-35-40] which in the summer of 1939, at the moment when the war  broke out, was the favorite of our greenhouses in Tassin."
(Apr 1984)  Page(s) 146.  
Romantica Meilland 1962... phlox pink
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