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'Rosa manettii Hort.' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 87-738
most recent 8 SEP 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 SEP 15 by AnitaSacramento
I'm surprised to see that its bloom habit is described as "blooms in flushes throughout the season." We have several Manetti in the Sacramento Historic Rose Garden and all bloom only once.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 SEP 15 by Patricia Routley
I am surprised too. Although it has a rather long blooming period (and I am sure I have seen the odd bloom later), it basically is a once-flowerer. Thanks Anita.
Discussion id : 32-805
most recent 4 JAN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JAN 09 by bob diller
I grow this rose and am surprised that it seems to have contributed nothing to the later race of Noisette roses. It is thornless, vigorous, and the flowers are just beautiful. For me, it has been very disease reistant in my organic garden with no spraying of even organic sprays. It grows very wide and low. It is currently 8-10 feet wide by no more than 2.5 feet high. The canes arch out, and being totally thornless in my garden, I've let it somewhat overgrow a path and I can walk right through the canes with ease. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this rose was never used for breeding and is it thought that the assumed parentage is indeed historically true. It might be fun to pollinate this one with some tea rose pollen and see what comes of it.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 2 JAN 09 by Patricia Routley
A thornless Manetti. Oh how I wish...... The rose we grow in Western Australia is certainly not thornless. It grabs me every time I mow past it. Lovely, but prickly. The W.A. is a different rose to the Manetti I have seen in California.

Cass's Californian picture in the Photos show thorns.

Peter Beales in his Roses, Harper Collins, 1992, page 342 says "well endowed with dark thorns."
Reply #2 of 3 posted 3 JAN 09 by bob diller
Perhaps mine has been misidentified. I collected it from Civil War era cemetery and fielded the photos of it to people who are good at identifying old roses and they asked me if it was a once bloomer and if it had thorns. It was a once bloomer and had no thorns so was assured it was Manetti. They said if either was not the case, then they were not sure what it was. So I've labeled it Manetti. I guess I should look it up in one of the old rose advisors when I visit Ashdown Roses and Roses Unlimited in a few months, as I know I saw one or both of their offices filled with rose books and see what the they say about Manetti. What ever I have, its from pre 1865 likely, as all the graves in that area were from the 1840's -1860's, and the roses are likely orignal bushes and as I understand, Manetti had it's day as a common understock rose. Seems I have a mystery on my hands.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 4 JAN 09 by Cass
Bob, my Manetti came from the University of California, Davis, Foundation Plant Services, for what that's worth. It has distinctly reddish canes, it goes dormant well here in Zone 9, and it is well-armed with rather small, sharp, down-curved prickles. When Davis sends out budwood sticks of Manetti, they strip the prickles, but the reddish cane surface is still visible. By going dormant in my borderline Zone 8-9 garden, it demonstrates to me that it has some hardy rose genetics in there somewhere.
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