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'Rosa X noisettiana Thory' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 29-907
most recent 21 AUG 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 AUG 08 by bob diller
I added this rose last year and its just wonderful. The cycle of repeat bloom is about every 4-6 weeks, and the blooms come in big clusters that have the sweetest fragrance. The smell is not really old rose or musky, it is just sweet. I had not really read much about this rose before purchasing it and mistakenly planted it where I wanted a climber to pair with the shrub rose Rosy Cushion, so now I have two shrubby roses side by side and no climber, but both are so excellent in the disease resistance and heavy bloom and repeat bloom department that I'm not unhappy at all with the combination. I may add a Celine Forestier and make a trio of it as I would still like a climber on that end section of wooden post rail fence. If you have a small spot and want a very reliable disease resistant cluster flowered rose with great fragrance I would try this one over most of the polyanthas or floribundas.
Discussion id : 19-917
most recent 25 JUN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JUN 07 by BarbaraG SE Virginia
A great garden rose that covers itself with fragrant blooms in the softest pale pink, and just keeps going and going even in the heat of the coastal South. Establishes itself quickly in the garden and is carefree. This is one of the mounding noisettes and does not require support.
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