HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
GardenPlants GrownPhotosReviews &
Cliff's High Desert Garden Archival Dec, 2011 last updated 101812
Discussion id : 93-645
most recent 21 JUN 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUN 16 by fencergal05
Could you post a picture of Sam McGredy's Danny Boy?
Discussion id : 91-593
most recent 19 MAR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 MAR 16 by CarolynB
Hi Cliff,

I'm considering adding the rose Welsh Gold to my garden. I see that you grow it, and that your climate is similar to mine. Will you tell me about your experience with it, with regard to disease resistance, bloom quantity and frequency, level of thorniness, and fragrance? (The HMF description page says it has a strong fragrance, but doesn't say what kind of fragrance.)

Thank you for any information you can give me.

Discussion id : 85-750
most recent 7 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 15 by dxk0021
You have a Louis Lens "Twins" rose listed on Help Me Find -- we used to have one of these and have never been able to find one again -- If possible, would love to purchase a plant or arrange to get a cutting from you if you have a healthy plant.

Please let me know -- we live in Houston and can make all the arrangements (pay for the trouble, shipping & handling, etc.) -- thanks!
Discussion id : 85-297
most recent 25 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 15 by dxk0021
Please help! We are desperately searching for one of these Ralph Moore miniature “Pink Poodle” roses, either to purchase a plant or cutting. This rose has extremely sentimental significance to my wife and a loved one lost and I’m trying to help her replace this little rose.

If you have any this rose in your garden and we can arrange to purchase a cutting, or if you know any possible leads on purchasing one of these, please, please let me know.

We’re in Houston — please let me know if you can help.

Thank you!

- Darren