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'Matangi ®' rose References
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 238.  Includes photo(s).
Matangi (MACman) Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: Seedling x 'Picasso'. New Zealand 1974. Description and cultivation... double blooms of bright orange-vermilion with a silver-white eye and silver reverse...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 281.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 61.  
Doug Grant. Capricious Nature.
.....Plants such as roses which are also cross-fertilised with insects as well as being self-fertilised can have a much more complicated position. There is a much greater chance of variation and mix-up of traits in each generation. This is part of the reason for seeing what we do see. This is also why Sam McGredy can breed two varieties such as 'Matangi' and 'Eyepaint' from the same cross-pollination'.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 192.  Includes photo(s).
A healthy, upright Floribunda. The flowers are strongly painted vermilion with a pale pinkish reverse. McGredy (New Zealand) 1974. (Seedling x 'Picasso') Flowers continuously. Height: 90 cm (3 ft.)
Book  (1992)  Page(s) 48.  
(MACman) Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush; rich orange red with white eye and reverse; bears showy clusters of many large double blooms; growth bushy, 32 x 24 in (80 x 60 cm); dark glossy leaves; little scent. President's International Trophy 1974, Special Prize Belfast. Seedling x 'Picasso'. McGredy 1974
Book  (1987)  Page(s) 47.  
Sean McCann. ....But if you have a slightly shaded spot, try 'Matangi' or .....
Book  (1986)  Includes photo(s).
p52. Sam McGredy: ....I don't think there can be any argument about the novel quality of 'Matangi'. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The colour combination is completely different with vibrant, intense petals of scarlet and white, often edged and marked with varying shades in-between, depending on the locality and the season. The rose is almost instantly recognisable even without flowers on the plant. Small foliage is usually considered a fault, and 'Matangi' has rather dark, very small foliage, but it is produced in such abundance that the size becomes unimportant. The plant is unusually free-flowering, even for a floribunda. It can get tall, but is easily kept within bounds by vigorous pruning each spring. On the plus side, the growth is very even and the bush develops a nice "shape". I dislike the tendency of some of our modern roses to throw extra-long, lanky shoots in their second flowering. 'Matangi' doesn't do this, and it repeats very quickly. The overall effect is graceful. ..... When my new rose became the President's Trophy winner of the U.K. for the best rose of its year, I decided it should be 'Matangi'. Matangi means a breeze. It is also a village in the Waikato. It is also the name of one of the first troopships to return to New Zealand in World War II. So it means different things to different people. The rose grows particularly well in New Zealand.....

p53. Illustration 'Matangi'.

p92. In 1969 I had so many seedlings with hand-painted blood in them somewhere..... Nicknames are so much easier to remember than code-numbers. So I had Manuel and .... in my breeding house that year. Manuel changed to 'Matangi'.
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 77.  
Isobel Coulston. Ten Favourite Roses. Two more floribundas I must bracket are 'Matangi' (McGredy 1975) and 'Old Master' (McGredy 1975), for the sheer exuberance they radiate. If all my other roses grew and flowered like these two I would have a magnificent, trouble free garden. 'Matangi' glows like a neon sign and draws visitors straight to itself - they pass everything else without a sideways glance. These two grow in such a well shaped manner that one can forgive them their thorns.
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 124.  
David Kenny, Ireland. A Few of my Favourite Things.
....How lovely these roses are especially when the white colour streaks along the edge of the petals as it does in 'Sue Lawley' and 'Matangi'. I would find it unbearable if I could only have one of these beauties in my garden. If forced to do this I think I would opt for 'Matangi'. It has all the good assets of the line, freedom of flowering, health, vigour, and probably the brightest colour so far seen. From a distance it is like a beacon in the garden. It goes on flowering until the heaviest early frosts of winter and survives winter without any loss of vim and vigour.
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 136.  
Sean McCann. Dublin, Ireland.
We talked earlier today about 'Matangi' which is a very good rose for me. Just before I came away it was showing every sign of being a true hand painted rose, it was absolutely beautiful in winter.
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