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'Evangeline' rose References
Magazine  (Nov 1913)  Page(s) 175.  
...D'autres variétés très précoces ont bien aussi leur mérite, du reste, on les retrouve dans les grands jardins de roses, à l'Hay, à Bagatelle. Ce sont : Aglaïa, Bennett's Seedling, Gardénia, Paul's Carmin Pillar; mais je m'aperçois que je m'égare dans les polyanthas ; je terminerai eu citant quelques joyaux à fleurs simples pas assez appréciés tels que : Joseph Billard, Jersey Beauty, Evangeline, dont les grandes fleurs font penser aux clématites. ...Auguste Nonin.
Book  (1913)  Page(s) 100.  
Wichuraiana Ramblers. By Dr. A. H. Williams, Vice-President N.R.S.
The wichuraiana Ramblers fall naturally into two well defined groups:
II. The Late, composed of those whose main flowering season lies in the month of July. They mostly have a strain of multiflora in their parentage. The trusses are usually very large, consisting often of an immense number of small flowers, which may be either singles or double rosettes.
Late Flowering Single Varieties.
Evangeline. — Rampant, vigorous, flexible growth. Flowers in fine trusses- individual blooms large. Petals white tipped with pink; sweetly fragrant.
Website/Catalog  (1910)  Page(s) 26.  
Novelties of 1907 and 1908.
Evangeline blooms in large trusses single carmine-pink on white base over bronze-coloured foliage.
Magazine  (22 Aug 1908)  Page(s) 405-6.  
Among the Roses.
Newer wichuraianas that are quite distinct, but several queries have reached us as to "which was which?" By some means Evangeline has been distributed as Hiawatha. I do not think this was done intentionally; but both coming from the same raiser and sent out about the same time, with great similarity of growth when in their younger stages, may account for it. Hiawatha can always be dustinguished from Evangeline, whether in flower or not. The first named has perfectly straight prickles, and the last are hooked as much as Fortune's Yellow and Maréchal Niel. Evangeline is a beautiful single Rose, clear, shiny flesh pink, with large stamens, and is difficult to beat when growing on tall standards or drooping from walls and rockeries. It does not continue in bloom so long as Hiawatha, but has given a six weeks' show this season. 
Book  (1908)  Page(s) 67.  
Wichuraiana Roses.
Evangeline. Walsh, 1906. Large single flowers, white, tipped pink.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 175.  
One of the most progressive of modern hybridists is Mr. Walsh of Woods Hole, Mass., who has given these: ...Evangeline has flowers two inches across, single, pure white.
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