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'Kiwi' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 38-510
most recent 8 AUG 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 AUG 09 by monimoni
UPDATE: Hott coco is winter hardy for zone 6 PA, but it stinks as a but flower, if you want cut flowers as i luv to do this rose is not for you. I will give it away to my neighbor this season and iam replacing both hot coco and about face. hot coco was a bareroot purchase. I had seen it while roses surfin the net, and thought it would make a great edition to my front landscaping. The coloring was so unusal, some say it is ugly, but I find it very beautiful. I cannot describe it exactly for many of the blooms have a slightance of color appearance. As H.C. buds began to open it looks very dark close to a coco coloring, as the bloom matures it turns a lighter crimson/coco mix with a yellow overtone. It is a very aggresive grower filling a pot 3times it size in a matter of 2months. Which was a 2ft high upright bushy rose, is now a monster of a plant at over 4ft. I thought I could leave it in the pot, but i must wait until dormancy and ground it. The super disease resistant dark green shinny thick foliage gives an eye catching display with cinnamon like color blooms. I have planted an ABOUT FACE next to it and they are magnificant together. I will update on the progress of its zone 6 winter.
Discussion id : 37-558
most recent 27 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JUN 09 by sunnishine
This is a great rose and would make a great landscape rose. I bought a small own root and in 1 year it was 4by 3. It is constantly covered in its unique color roses. The color is variable but not ugly by any means. It blooms continuously even in heat and no disease problems. It looks wonderful as an accent piece among my yellow roses.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 JUN 09 by HMF Admin
Thanks for sharing !
Discussion id : 25-921
most recent 9 MAR 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 MAY 08 by Unregistered Guest
I've heard that the color of Hot Cocoa changes according to the weather. I live in San Francisco where we are having a bright, warmish spring that will turn into (inevitably) an overcast, grey, coolish summer. Right now, my new HC is orange to mauve. What kind of weather-related colors have others seen? I originally saw this rose in a public garden here in SF, where it was distinctly "chocolate." But mine is not...
Many thanks.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 4 MAR 09 by Jeff Britt
This rose is very sensitive to both light and temperature -- both will work to change the color of the flowers. I think, over time, you will notice for yourself that the most cocoa color comes from warm day and night temperatures and full sun all day. In any case, this is a very changeable and variable flower. Sometimes, it's a wonderful, unique color. Sometimes it's a weird, even hideous, unique color. I shovel pruned mine. Most of the time it didn't look the way I wanted it to and it fought with every other color near it.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 4 MAR 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Jeff, I had to smile at your post. I cut 'Hot Cocoa' back and gave it away last Fall for exactly the same reasons. I just didn't care for it.

I did use it in hybridizing a bit so we'll see what comes of it, if anything. I have to say it's one of those roses that's almost too good on a number of levels.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 9 MAR 09 by Jeff Britt
Too good, but not good enough (alas!) for me. Guess that makes me very fussy indeed.
Discussion id : 25-367
most recent 11 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 APR 08 by Unregistered Guest
i have an own root HC that i put in a pot only last june. it looked kinda odd when i got it, with nothing in particular going for it. it grew very fast in the coming months of last years' summer and definitely did a 180 in every way. this spring, after i shaped and pruned it a little, it is the fastest grower amongst my 34 roses. it is already 4 feet tall with many large shoots and continuously produces new basals. it is a monster with more leaves than any of its neighbours. a 9 month old plant that went from a one gallon pot and about 12 inches high, to the most vigourous plant i've ever seen. BTW it is growing virtually straight as an arrow upwards like a hybrid tea, but it's listed as a floribunda. seems to be tough and disease resistant. only drawback is no fragrance.
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