PhotoComments & Questions 
Rose du Roi  rose photo courtesy of member Hardy
Discussion id : 114-857
most recent 10 JAN 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JAN 19 by AquaEyes
I realize I'm coming late to this, but I decided to post some pics of my 'Rose du Roi -- original' from Vintage Gardens for comparison. You probably have the same rose that they offered as 'Rose du Roi -- of commerce' but it's not what I've seen offered as 'Rose du Roi' by other nurseries. What is sold now under the name is more likely to be the Hybrid Perpetual described by Vintage as 'Rose du Roi a Fleurs Pourpres' -- or maybe something else. Whatever it is, there's definitely China blood in it, and it's not an obvious "per Phillip Robinson" Damask Perpetual. Yours appears to be a true Damask Perpetual, and no longer offered by any US nursery. Don't let it disappear!

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