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'Francis Scott Key' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 401.  
Francis Scott Key Hybrid Tea. J. Cook 1913. Parentage: 'Radiance' x a red seedling. The author cites information from different sources... rich crimson-red... A superior garden variety, named in honor of the writer of 'The Star Spangled Banner'...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 189.  
Francis Scott Key Hybrid Tea, deep pink, reverse lighter, 1913, 'Radiance' x Seedling, Cook, J. Description...
Website/Catalog  (1958)  Page(s) [1].  
Hybrid Tea Roses
Francis Scott Key. Extremely large and very double, deep pure red blooms, shading to cerise. A thrifty, dependable Rose.
Website/Catalog  (1942)  Page(s) 17.  
Wight's Georgia-Grown Roses
Red Roses
Francis Scott Key. Hybrid Tea. Crimson; very large. 
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 93.  
Harry H. Hazlewood.  Rose Development 1900-1939.
Francis Scott Key is weak in production and fragrance but strong in exhibition values in some climates.
Website/Catalog  (1940)  Page(s) [1].  
Hybrid Tea Roses
Francis Scott Key. Perfectly formed, imbricated flowers of dark Tyrian pink. A popular Rose in the South. 20¢ each.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 384.  
Key, Francis Scott (HT) J. Cook 1913; Radiance X red seedling; deep pink, lighter reverse, very large, very double, high-centered, lasting, solitary, fragrance 3/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, long strong stems, growth 6/10, upright.
Article (misc)  (1935)  Page(s) 105.  
My Climbing Francis Scott Key makes canes two inches in diameter in one season, running twenty and thirty feet along the fence, producing blooms larger than I have ever seen on any Francis Scott Key bush, and I have never seen a bloom "ball" on the climber as they do on the bush.
Article (newspaper)  (9 Jun 1934)  Page(s) 4.  

Francis Scott Key: Colour, a cherry red. This rose lacks perfume, but it makes amends in quality; well grown, it is the most perfect of all roses.

Website/Catalog  (1932)  Page(s) [7].  Includes photo(s).
Dormant 2-Year-Old Field-Grown Rose Bushes
Francis Scott Key (Hybrid Tea) (See Front Cover)—This American rose named in honor of the author of our national anthem, is a credit to its name. Immensely popular because of its glowing colors, remarkable size, fullness, and perfection of form. The color is a rich, glowing scarlet, with darker shadings, becoming darker as the flower ages. A continuous bloomer, producing its immense blooms on stout stems in great profusion. The growth is excellent and the foliage heavy, little troubled with disease. Very hardy. All sections of the country report excellent results with this remarkable rose.
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