HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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Member Ratings of Gardening Publications, Articles and Videos
Interesting / Entertaining 

Article (HMF Ezine) published Dec 2005.

We're very pleased to include Karl's monthly tips once again. Beginning and experienced gardeners alike will find each is crammed with useful advice and suggestions.

13 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

L,P,R,V Roses

Book published 1982 by Timber Press.

2 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Article (HMF Ezine) published Dec 2005.

Jim's returns with some very interesting conjecture about stripes. A short article which will likely leave you wondering.

14 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 1999.

Paul Barden talks about growing and breeding roses in Canada.

1 favorite vote.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Book published 1981 by Timber Press, Inc.

21 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Article (HMF Ezine) published May 2005.

HelpMeFind is thrilled to have premission to reprint Kim's article collection from "A Passion for Roses". We will feature one every Ezine issue and you are sure to enjoy them all. We begin with an article covering all aspects of rose gardening.

14 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Article (HMF Ezine) published May 2004.

8 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Article (HMF Ezine) published Dec 2005.

Jim could write about soap scum in a kitchen sink and make it interesting and entertaining. His style and command of the language make all his articles a pleasure to read. Don't concern yourself with the subject matter; you're sure to enjoy it.

9 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Article (HMF Ezine) published May 2005.

Jeri ventures to Tomstone Arizona to investigate the "The World's Largest Rose".

10 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (2 votes).

Book published 1997 by Workman Publishing.

13 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Interesting / Entertaining: EXCELLENT (1 vote).

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