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'3-35-40' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 19-224
most recent 23 FEB 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 2 JUN 07 by Unregistered Guest
I have never heard of the synonyms of 'Beke' and 'Fredsrosen' for 'Peace' before.
Does anybody know where they came from?
Patricia Routley
Reply #1 of 4 posted 22 FEB 16 by Raynyk
Fredsrosen is Swedish, Norwegian and Danish and translates to The Peace Rose.

Béké or beke is a Creole term to describe a descendant of the early European, usually French, settlers in the French Antilles.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 22 FEB 16 by Give me caffeine
Interesting. So does anyone know why that name would become associated with this rose? Offhand I can't see what the Antilles have to do with it.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 22 FEB 16 by Patricia Routley
These names were shown as synonyms in the 2004 reference, The Joy of Roses, a book written by James Young in consultation with David Ruston. After my initial posting I travelled with David Ruston in Tasmania in November 2007 and asked him about the names. He admitted they (sorry, can’t recall) were a mistake. But it seems James didn’t quite make a mistake with ‘Fredsrosen’. Thank you Raynyk. These names have puzzled me for a few years.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 23 FEB 16 by Raynyk
One can only guess, but Beke could refer to Mme. Meilland/Peace as to a french coming to the new world?

Glad I could be of help Patricia.
Discussion id : 84-204
most recent 8 APR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 APR 15 by styrax
Lovely blooms, sometimes exceeding 7in, vigorous but not winter hardy and very susceptible to BS.
Discussion id : 81-050
most recent 13 OCT 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 OCT 14 by Kit
This fall's 'Peace' blossoms have an unusual amount of yellows and oranges, probably due to some odd weather.
re previous threads: My shrub doesn't seems to be inferior to any old ones I've seen, blossoms are big (to 6" - 15cm), bright and generally but somewhat fragrant, though an occasional one will be more so.
Discussion id : 72-720
most recent 3 JUL 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JUL 13 by goncmg
Whew! These threads are great reading! ......whatever is going on/goes on with budding/cloning, it does seem that most roasarians "in the know" agree that Peace is, for whatever reason(s), not as strong or impressive a variety now as it once was. I think many of us have seen old plants, 30-40-50 years old that seem to have an astounding vigor that a newer plant just never seems to be able to achieve. This is arguably the absolute most budded/cloned rose in existance......I recall an ARS annual article from maybe 1973 or 74 titled "Deterioration of Cultivar" that addresses this very issue and yes, 40 years ago Peace (and somehow, oddly Golden Girl! and also Picture) were discussed as having "deteriorated" due to over budding of poor wood (and with Picture it was suggested the wrong variety was in circulation but that is a side story) any rate, Peace is still a darn good rose and if you stop to ponder, even a new plant, that this variety is 70 years old and look at its true peers, Peace just doesn't even correlate! Look even at most roses 10 or 15 years younger! Truly an amazing variety.

And oh yeah: it doesn't like it too hot. It will drop those gorgeous oily-glossy leaves and passed this trait on (as well as being sensitive to blackspot) to many off its off-spring (Rose Gaujard and Royal Highness come immediately to mind)............
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