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James Colvill

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Rose, peony and clematis (closed, reference only) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
King's Road
United Kingdom
James Colvill (ca. 1746 - 1822) established his nursery ca. 1783. It was called Colvill & Son after 1807. His son James junior (1777 - January 25, 1832) continued the business. Colvill & Son specialized in exotic plants.

[From The Gardeners Magazine, May 1832, p. 256:] Died, January 25, deeply lamented by his Family and a numerous circle of friends, Mr. James Colvill, nurseryman of the King's Road, Chelsea, in his 55th year.
[From History of European Botanical Discoveries in China, 1898, by Emil Bretschneider, p. 218:] Colvill, James, (Sometimes quoted: Messrs Colvill), nurseryman, Chelsea, King's Road. Colvill introduced and cultivated many interesting exotic plants, between 1795 and 1825...Rosa involucrata Roxb. ...Rosa indica Lindl., odoratissima....Rosa microphylla Roxb.....

From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 184:] Colville, the influential British nursery run by Colville father and son, ceased operation in 1834.

See also under Breeders.
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