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Bear Creek Gardens, Inc.
Discussion id : 8-336
most recent 4 MAY 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 05 by Unregistered Guest
HI, I'm looking for the rose called PURE POERTY. Do you have one to sell?

Thanks Dennis Engeldorf
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 MAY 05 by HMF Admin
Please do a search for "Pure Poetry" (note spelling) to locate a source.
Discussion id : 4-647
most recent 7 DEC 03 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 NOV 03 by Unregistered Guest
We have a Pot Rose Queen Parade var. POULann from Bear Creek Gardens. Is this a perennial, how should we overwinter it
in our area? We are in zone 7 in southwest Arkansas.

Thank you

Gary and Debra Newman
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 DEC 03 by The Old Rosarian
You rose is definately a perennial. If it is planted in the ground then take some soil and mound it up to 8 inches, all around the base. Then if youget a nasty spell in the winter it won't die. If it is in a pot you could bring it in to an unheated garage and it doesn't need light when it isn't growing . Then you can take it outside in the spring when their is no chance of a cold frost. If it has to stay out side, mound dirt up on the top to 6 inches high.
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