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Nostell Priory Rose Gardens
'Nostell Priory Rose Gardens'  photo
Photo courtesy of nostellprioryroses
Rose (retail) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Tue Feb 2025
United Kingdom
01924 862248  [Information]
01924 863730  [Fax]
01924 862248  [Ordering]
Nostell Priory Roses
A little bit about us ........

Nostell Priory Rose Gardens has been an established rose & shrub wholesaler/grower for many years, building a firm reputation throughout the garden centres / nurseries in the United Kingdom for good quality service and plants.

We are also very proud to support the Help for Heroes charity with our roses named “Red Beret” and “Armed Forces ®”, for each rose sold we will make a donation of £0.50 to the Help for Heroes charity.

Our top quality roses are now available for mail order online by purchasing off our website. All our Mail Order roses are packaged in a secure box; the pot is wrapped in a plastic bag to hold in moisture during transport. All roses have a colour picture label included detailing the colour and rose description as well as planting instructions.

A selection of shrubs are also available for Mail Order, these will be included on our Order online tab when available.

One of our most popular rose ranges are Gift Roses, a rose can be a perfect present with varieties such as Golden Wedding, Silver Anniversary, Happy Retirement, Congratulations, Mothers Day amongst many others are available for mail order.

The rose of the Year for 2011 Joie De Vivre is also available for Mail Order, however be quick as this beautiful rose is selling fast!

Nostell Priory Roses garden centre is open to the public daily 10 am – 4pm, situated at Doncaster Road, (A638), Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Where you are able to look at the roses and shrubs we have available, or pick your own rose varieties from our vastly stocked rose nursery.

Apart from Roses we also stock Ornamental and Fruit Trees, a wide selection of garden shrubs and seasonal bedding plants.

As well as being open to the public, we are a wholesale supplier of roses and plants making deliveries nationwide.
© 2025