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'R. simplicifolia' rose References
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 195.  
Hulthemia persica (Michx.) Bornm. - Syn. Rosa persica Michx., R. simplicifolia Salisb., R. berberifolia Pall., Hulthemia berberifolia (Pall.) Dumort., Lowea berberifolia (Pall.) Lindl. Iran, Afghanistan, U.R.S.S., dans les régions qui entourent la mer Caspienne et la mer d'Aral, aux confins des déserts - Introduit en Europe en 1790.
Feuilles simples, à courts pétioles, elliptiques à oblongues, apex aigu, long. 1,5 à 3 cm, bords à petits dents - Fleurs: diam. 2,5 cm.
Bas et tordu, ce rosier a une souche très drageonnante, des tiges grêles, brun rougeâtre et couvertes de spinules. Le feuillage est vert bleuté et finement pubescent : on ne saurait nier son agrément. De mai à août éclosent les petites fleurs isolées, d'un jaune d'or que l'on dit le plus brillant parmi toutes les roses et que des taches marron pourpre foncé, une à la base de chaque pétale, marquent, en se réunissant, d'un faux œil rebordé de moins sombre, autour des étamines d'or. Apparaissent ensuite les petits fruits verts, ronds et spinulés.
Non greffé, ce rosier n'atteint que 0,50 à 0,80 m de hauteur et, dans nos jardins, il ne peut subsister dans la terre! Il lui faut, sur une épaisseur de 0,30 à 0,40 m, un mélange de sable de rivière et de gravats de briques où reste accroché du ciment ou du mortier de chaux. Il y prospère, il y drageonne ! il y fleurit, il y fructifie ! et y supporte admirablement la sécheresse ! Greffé sur Rosa rubiginosa, il atteint une hauteur de 1 à 1,50 m et peut être cultivé dans la terre, comme le commun des rosiers. Il aime le soleil et n'est pas, en tout cas, bien rustique : on ne saurait conseiller de le cultiver sous le climats plus rudes que celui de l'Anjou. Non greffé, il orne les rocailles avec un naturel presque inégalable.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 247.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa persica. Genus Rosa is subdivided by some taxonomists into four subgenera: Eurosa, Hulthemia, Platyrhodon and Hesperhodos. Almost all species are within the subgenus Eurosa. Subgenus Hulthemia contains only one species: Rosa persica.
Leaves are entire, not pinnate [ meaning Rosa persica does not have leaflets. ]Shrub grows only 18 inches high. Flowers singly, not in clusters. Native to Iran and Afghanistan, near Caspian and Aral Seas. Easy to grow from seed, hard to keep alive in cultivation.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 124.  
R. persica Michx. ex Juss.
A thin, straggling bush, 2 or 3 ft. high, with slender, wiry, downy stems furnished with hooked spines....Leaves glaucous, simple (consisting of one leaflet)....Flowers about 1 in. across...Fruits globose....very prickly, crowned by the persisting sepals.
Native of Iran, Afghanistan and of Russia (Central Asia and the steppe region of S.W. Siberia), often found on saline soils....
With regard to the cultivation...Lindley wrote: 'Drought does not suit it, it does not thrive in wet, heat has no beneficial effect, cold no prejudicial influence, care does not improve it, neglect does not injure it.' is a fact that this species has not survived in the open for more than a few years in our climate.
Book  (1980)  Page(s) 24.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.  Rosae et Cetera.  
Jack Harkness is progressing with his hybrids of Hulthemia persica.  He has larger flowers with five to ten petals and retaining the good yellow colouring plus the chestnut-red eye, also more double flowers with the eye less conspicuous, of course, and another with deep orange colouring and the red eye.  They are hardly remontant, he says. 
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 68.  
Rosa persica Michx., Gen. Pl. App., 452, 1789.
(R. berberifolia Pall., R. simplicifolia Salisb., Hulthemia persica Bornmüller)
Bushes: short, up to 50 cm tall, seldom to 1 m, well branched, branches slim, yellowish cinnamon-coloured, armed with fine prickles.
Foliage: single, sessile, elliptoid, 2 to 3 cm long, edges toothes, green with bluish shading, covered with fine hair.
Blooms: solitary, 4 to 5 cm in diameter, yellow with cinnamon-coloured flecks in the centre.
Fruit: round, fully covered with bristles, green.
Distribution: USSR (Usbekistan), Iran
Seldom cultivated, introduced for the first time in 1790 from Iran to France.
In the first quarter of the 19th century a hybrid was obtained with a crossing with R. clinophylla, introduced 1817 from India, with R. persica. This was names R. x hardii Paxt. and was not hardy. In recent years wester European breeders have shown great interest in the Persian Rose and have used it for crossing experiments wwith Garden roses.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 377.  
Not. nouv. gen. Hulthemia (1824) 13.-Lowea Lindl. in Bot. Reg. (1829) tab. 1261.- Rosa sect.I Rhodopsis Bge., in Ldb., Fl. Alt. II (1828) 224.
Flowers solitary; hypanthia globose or flattened-globose; sepals entire; petals yellow, with dark purple spot at base, broadly obovate, slightly notched at apex; stamens black -violet. — Low shrubs with simple leaves, exstipulate. Otherwise like Rosa L.

1. Plant glabrous in all parts; leaf base typically cordate 1. H. berberifolia (Pall.) Dum.
+ Leaves, young branches and prickles velutinous -pubescent; leaves typically cuneate 2. H. persica (Michx.) Bornm.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 377.  
H. berberifolia (Fall.) Dumort., Note nouv. genre Hulth. (1824) 13; Ldb., Fl. Ross. II, 78.— Rosa berberifolia Pall, in Nova Acta Acad. Sc. Petrop. X (1797) 379.- Ic: Pall., I.e. tab.X, f. 5; Ldb., Ic. pi. Fl. Ross. IV, 370,
Low, flexuously branching shrub, 15—3 5(50) cm high, glabrous in all parts; young shoots virgate nearly simple or branching; prickles solitary or in groups of 2 or 3, at base of leaves always paired, nearly opposite, firm, spreading, slightly hamately curved, whitish; leaves simple, coriaceous, glabrous, ovate or elliptic, often with cordate base, rarely obovate or cuneate, with very short petioles or subsessile, obtuse, entire below, then usually deeply incised -dentate, with few, remote teeth; stipules absent. Flowers solitary, the terminal 2.5—3.5 cm in diameter; hypanthia globose, distally constricted, setaceous; sepals entire, oblong -lanceolate, acute, convex, finely pubescent on both sides, dorsally often with sparse bristles, persistent in fruit, straight -spreading; petals divaricate, golden yellow, with dark purple spot at base, broadly obovate, faintly notched at apex; stamens black-violet; fruit ca. 10 mm long, 12 mm in diameter, with more or less dense erect acicular prickles, violet-colored, when ripe dryish, brown; seeds oblong, ca, 5 mm long, dark brown, shiny. April— June.
Solonetzic steppes.— W. Siberia: U. Tob., Irt.; Centr. Asia: Balkh., Dzu.-Tarb., Syr. D., Pam.-Al. Described from Dzungaria, from the Uldzhar River flowing into Lake Ala-Kul (south of Tarbagatai Range).
Gen. distr.: Dzu.-Kosh. Type in London?
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 377.  
H. persica (Michx.) Bornm. in Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. II (1906) 6. — Rosa persica Michx. in Jus s. Gen. pi. app. (l786) 452. — ? R. simplicifolia Salisb., Prodr. (1786) 359. - Exs.: Sintenis, It. transcasp.-pers. 486, 658.
Shrub; young branches bearing prickles (at least in their lower part), leaves slightly velutinous on both sides (or at least beneath) with more or less dense short spreading hairs; leaves narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate or cuneate, with short usually distinct petioles, base tapering, very rarely rounded; teeth generally short, directed upward. Otherwise similar to the preceding species. June.

' Named after C.J. E. van Hultem (1764—1832), the author of a study on the agriculture of Holland
(published 1817).
Among crops, — Centr. Asia: Pam.-Al., Mtn. Turkm. Gen. distr.: Iran. Described from Iran. Type in Paris.
Economic importance. A fodder plant; leaves eaten in the winter by sheep and camels.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 429-430.  
R. pérsica Michx. Low shrub, to 0.5 m., with slender yellowish brown prickly brs; lvs. short-petioled, elliptic to oblong, acute at ends, 1.5-3 cm. long, serrate, bluish green, finely pubescent; fls. solitary, yellow with purple eye, about 2.5 cm. across; fr. globose, prickly. Fl. V-VIII. B.M.7096(c) [The Botanical Magazine]. B.R.1261(c) [The Botanical Register]. W.R.1(c) [Willmott, The Genus Rosa]. G.C.IIII.6:8,9,78 [Gardeners' Chronicle]. (R. simplicifolia Salisb., R. berberifolia Pall., Lowea b. Lindl.) Persia, Afghan. to Song. Intr. 1790. Zone VII? A very distinct and remarkable species, but difficult to grow.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 76.  
persica Michx. (Simplicif.) [ploidy] 14
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