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'Gingersnap' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 34-205
most recent 24 FEB 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 FEB 09 by John Moody
I planted this rose bareroot last spring and was delighted with it's performance it's first year in the garden. It broke dormancy very quickly and grew vigorously. The bush was disease resistant all year and the foliage is dark green and makes a nice contrast with the vibrant orange blooms.
The flowers are gorgeous. The bush blooms heavily mostly in sprays. The color is very dark orange when first opened and fades just a little bit as the bloom ages. The form is very nice and decorative. The petals have good substance and are still very fragrant. The blooms last a long time on the bush but not so long when cut for the vase, but not bad. The rebloom is very good and the hottest part of summer doesn't have a very detrimental affect on the blooming process. The flowers retain their size,color, and shape during the heat.
I would recommend this to anyone looking for a splash of vibrant orange color for their garden. If you don't like strong colors though, you won't like this rose. I like it very much and am glad to have it. I hope that it gets even better as the rose gets a couple more years of age to it.
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