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'Mardi Gras ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 63-710
most recent 20 APR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 APR 12 by monimoni
i purchased mardi gras as a potted rose in the fall of 2009, that following spring of 2010 we were hit with continual rain from april throughout may and eight of my newer roses died. Mardi Gras was nearly wiped out, it survived with only one cane in tact. I thought to myself, that little rose would not make it another winter and was thinking about shoveling it and replacing it with another. But it did survive the winter, with that one cane supported by a hook ( its crutch),look like it had been in a car accident,LOL! It gave me one flower each flush for two years(2010 & 2011),one bloom,one cane, But the flower was one of my favorite, it has a medium scent and last for some time on the cane and in the vase. For that reason i was gonna order another and just pot this one cane wonder for this season(2012), when i notice it has three basil breaks, im like woo hoo, you got your other three legs buddy,lol. Now its blooming time!! This rose blooms until late in the fall, i had that one bloom on the cane til november( had to resist cutting it). It is hardy to zone 6 winter, it is not slowed by summer heat.

This rose is my lil engine that could and did,lol, a tough lil bush. Mardi Gras to me doesnt seem to grow like a floribunda, more like a grandiflora, because its canes are thick, it holds the weight of the large bloom. A great addition to your garden
Discussion id : 39-435
most recent 27 SEP 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 SEP 09 by John Moody
I love the multi-hued colors these Mardi Gras rose bloom displays.
I bought one bareroot from J&P the first year they offered it but that bush never really grew well staying under a foot tall the entire year. Because of it's small size it only had one or two non-descript blooms as well.
After looking at the photos here, I am convinced I need to give this one another chance and get it ordered for Spring 2010.
Thanks to all who posted pictures of their Mardi Gras floribunda.
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