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'Dichimanher' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 105-885
most recent 5 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 OCT 17 by Plazbo
Had a very high rate of proliferation during the cooler months (autumn/early winter...Sydney is very mild), unsure if this is normal for this rose. Wasn't especially attractive with around 2/3rd of flowers having odd green spiked growth in their centers but is very pretty and very heavily blossomed from early spring until's just the last month or two or autumn that it's not remotely appealing.

Apart from that flaw it's one of the best roses I've had, certainly one of the most proific bloomers with one of the best shrub shapes I've seen. Also super fertile with good germination rates.

-edit- 20/May/2018
With a number of seedlings bred from this now just over a year old I can say a few things about traits it passes on. It's seedlings are largely powdery mildew resistant (and I've had a lot of it this year...), much better than average BS resistance, typically a shade of red (usually dark but have had a few warmer reds), well branched, decent growth rate for it's good qualities...sadly it also tends to pass on it's proliferation quite often and no fragrant offspring have been achieved so far by me. It's a bit sad when most of your healthiest looking seedlings have a big green bits sticking out the top of the flower buds. Lot of potential for healthy offspring from this rose...just a lot of them will be culled due to the ugly flaw.
Discussion id : 99-309
most recent 14 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 MAY 17 by Plazbo
Treloar seem to have renamed this to Firecracker here in Australia

Based on the code, there isn't a George Best listed on their site, doesn't seem to match the other two plants on HMF named Firecracker.

I recieved it as a freebie last season and despite it being listed as a floribunda on their site, it's clearly a mini.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 MAY 17 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Plazbo. We've added 'Firecracker' as a synonym. Treloar are one of the better nurseries who actively list the code names. The name 'Firecracker' certainly seems to portray what the rose looks like.
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