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'Poultroi' rose References
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 139.  Includes photo(s).
Troika Description.
Website/Catalog  (1986)  Page(s) 16.  
Troika ® Rose Poulsen 1970. Fleurs saumon orange, parfumées. Plante au beau feuillage brillant, très résistamt.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 2.  
TROÏKA &#174  POUMIDOR (Poulsen 1974) Cuivre lavé de rose et de jaune. Unique
Book  (1975)  Page(s) 110.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas,  Victoria. Some of the New Ones. 
Troika HT. (Poulsen, 1971) (Seedling x 'Super Star'). Formerly registered as 'Royal Dane' but objection was lodged to this name and so it was changed. Shapely, medium-sized blooms of 20 to 25 petals in an unusual copper-red colouring. Attractive foliage but it gets black spot readily. One of my plants has thrown a climbing sport which appears not to be remontant.
Book  (1974)  
p18.  E. F. Allen.  Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1973
Troika (parentage not revealed). An interesting hybrid tea, by Poulsen, which I described last year. The strongly scented flowers are attractive but, in my own garden, I found that they opened too fast in hot weather to be of much use as a cut flower or on the show bench.  Certificate of Merit.

p68.  Dr. A. S. Thomas. Roses Overseas, 1973.
Troika HT (Poulsen, 1972). Formerly 'Royal Dane' and sold under that name in Australia in 1972 and 1973. It was still not on sale in Britain in July, 1973, but it was regarded as a very fine rose. I planted it in June, 1972, and have not been impressed with it except for its burnt orange and gold colouring. It gave a climbing mutation and no autumn blooms in my garden.
Book  (1974)  Page(s) 37.  
 Leonard Hollis, England.  The Twelve Best Recruits, 1969-72. 
'Troika' of unknown parentage, from Poulsen of Denmark, secures the last place for a hybrid tea in my best dozen of the past four years. In selecting it I have been influenced by the really attractive colouring, healthy plant, pleasing foliage and habit of growth. The main colour is a warm apricot-orange, shaded and veined scarlet, although there is some variation according to the weather and the season. The blooms often come large and of fine form, although its main appeal will perhaps be as a garden rose. There is some fragrance, although it is not very pronounced. With the strong, even growth, glossy foliage, freedom of flowering and delightful colouring, it should become popular and I would expect it to receive a higher award in 1973 than its 1972 T.G.C.
Website/Catalog  (1974)  Page(s) 30.  Includes photo(s).
nouveauté 1974 .... TROIKA ® POUmidor (Poulsen 1974).
Une grande fleur corail et rose saumoné s'irisant sur les bords de laque carminée. C'est un coloris vif et chaud absolument nouveau. L'arbuste vigoureux et résistant est très florifère. Haut. 80/95 cm (T.P.).
Book  (1973)  Page(s) 174.  
New Roses of the World. 
Royal Dane HT (IIIA) (D. T. Poulsen; int. Kordes '71; S. McGredy & Sons '72) Seedling x 'Super Star'. Large, ovoid buds. Large, cupped, copper-red, double blooms borne singly on long stems. Good lasting quality. Petals drop off cleanly. Strong fragrance. Abundant amount of dark green, leathery, glossy, large foliage. Many thorns. Very vigorous growth. Upright, bushy habit. Profuse, continuous blooming.
Book  (1973)  
p32.  E. F. Allen, England.  R.N.R.S. Awards To New Rose Seedlings In 1972.
Troika (parentage not revealed). A very fine hybrid tea, by Poulsen, with strongly fragrant flowers of a two-tone orange vermilion which fade to a paler shade of the same colour. I think very highly of this cultivar and my own marks justify a higher award. I have already planted it in my own garden. Trial Ground Certificate. 

p60. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. 
Royal Dane HT. (Poulsen). The perfume is very pronounced in a flower which is a rich flame suffused with yellow. A lovely new cultivar.

p148.  Dr. A. S. Thomas Victoria.  The New Ones. 
Royal Dane. HT. (Poulsen, 1972). Deep apricot colouring with shadings of copper and gold and orange-red markings - a most unusual, striking and decorative combination which is likely to be even darker in the autumn. Vigorous and tall.
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