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'SPRofamily' rose Description
'Family Holiday' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Cliff's New California Low Desert Garden
Commercially available
Yellow blend Mini-Flora.
Registration name: SPRofamily
Exhibition name: Family Holiday
Bred by James A. Sproul (United States, before 2014).
Introduced in United States by Greenheart Farms in 2014 as 'Family Holiday'.
Butter-yellow, blush edges.  Creamy yellow blend with light pink edging.  
Breeder's notes:
From Jim Sproul's blogspot - April 8, 2014:

Introducing 'Family Holiday'
One of our new seedlings from the 2012 batch is being introduced at the American Rose Society's 2014 Spring Convention in San Diego, California. The convention will take place from May 8th to May 12th.

Linda Clark contacted me about donating a rose for the Convention almost two years ago. Bill DeVor of Greenheart Farms agreed to do the propagating and growing of the rose. There were 2 seedlings that were offered: "P144-1" and "P163-1". Ultimately "P144-1" was chosen by Bill DeVor due to its ease of propagation and vigorous growth.

This rose is a seedling of 'Pearl Sanford' X 'First Impression'. It is a miniflora with petals of a creamy yellow blend and light pink edging. For those interested in rose breeding, it makes an excellent seed parent - sets hips well and has a good germination rate.

Introducing 'Family Holiday'
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
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