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"San Leandro Dark Red HT" rose Description
Photo courtesy of Deborah Petersen
HMF Ratings:
2 favorite votes.  
Hybrid Tea.  
Dark red.  Velvety dark red, sometimes showing stamens.  Strong, damask fragrance.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Armed with thorns / prickles.  Grey-green foliage.  

Height: 3' (90cm).  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
San Leandro is a small city in the San Francisco Bay Area

From the Vintage Catalog: "One of the blackest red Hybrid Teas we know, and very very fragrant. This holds so well in all weathers that it deserves to be widely grown."

COLOUR: Spring - Blacker. Autumn: Redder.
PETALS: Spring: ? Autumn: 19 to 21.
SEPALS: leafy sepal tip.
PEDICEL: Sparsely glandular, as is the base of the receptacle which is otherwise glabrous.
HIP: slightly depressed globular. Orange-red
FOLIAGE: Oval to round leaflets, end leaf largest, serrated leaf edge,
Leaf: 5.5 inches (14cm) long. Largest terminal leaf: 3 inches (7.5cm) long & 2 inches (5cm) wide.
HEIGHT: 3 feet tall
WOOD: reddish
BUSH: Produces basals. Stiff stems.
THORNS: moderately armed
BLOOM CYCLE: regular flushes and a quick turnaround

Possible Identifications:

‘Crimson Glory’ has a larger 1/2 in. white petal nub
'Charles Mallerin' has green wood
'Nigrette' 1934 has green wood and is a smaller bush than "San Leandro Dark Red HT"
‘Red Letter Day’ 1914 has no fragrance.
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