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Jennie Among the Roses  member photo courtesy of member Jennie Among the Roses
Photo Id: 350663

When I first caught the scent of this rose I was transported to my 60's childhood - to the perfumes that women wore then, the mink coats in church, scribbled messages of teen love, red hearts and teardrops.

This Don Juan rose was purchased in June 2020 in Oneonta NY 5a-5b from Annuto's local nursery grown by Weeks nursery. This rose was not meant to survive in this zone but our nursery is unaware. 10 years ago I purchased the same rose from the same nursery and loved it for 2 seasons, ignorant of the rose's zone.
This fall we are building a cold greenhouse for this rose and others.

The photo date is October 2020 in what I think is the last minor flush of growth and flowering for this year.

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