PhotoComments & Questions 
Discussion id : 51-066
most recent 26 DEC 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 DEC 10 by Kim Rupert
This photo perfectly illustrates the "spray" flower formation Spray Cecile Brunner exhibits. "Bloomfield Abundance", the Captain George C. Thomas seedling, is most likely extinct. Spray Cecile Brunner (which see) is the rose most frequently supplied when Bloomfield Abundance is purchased.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 26 DEC 10 by Unregistered Guest
Well, Kim,

I only stick to the explanation of Graham Stuart Thomas, who declares the rose, which shows long, leafy extensions to the sepals being 'Bloomfield Abundance' and the similar one with no extensions to the sepals being 'Cecile Brunner'.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 26 DEC 10 by Josef Distl
Sorry, I did not mean to reply as "anonymous", but I missed to log in. Best, Josef
Reply #3 of 4 posted 26 DEC 10 by Kim Rupert
I understand, Josef, all one can do is rely upon what those who possess the rose label it and the "experts". Unfortunately, so far, everything shown resembles Spray Cecile Brunner. Thomas' Bloomfield Abundance was a hybrid Wichurana, which nothing shown or grown so far has been. It appears to want to remain a confused issue and will likely be so for a very long time to come.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 26 DEC 10 by Kim Rupert
Sports aren't an "on" or "off" proposition, but something which occur along a continuum. I view it as if Spray is an intermediate mutation between the original bush and the extreme climber. You can find Spray with and without the elongated sepals, just as you can find variations in the climbing sport which flower nearly continuously all the way to once flowering, like a traditional rambler. Thomas wasn't the first to be fooled by the variability. It's as if he observed all he could and attempted to determine what differences there could be between two identical plants in hopes of figuring out what the difference actually was. As has occurred with the identification of many species, he observed repeated characteristic variations and proclaimed them different, when they were actually variations of the same thing.
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