HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Greenman's All Potted Garden

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Rose (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Sun Feb 2025
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
United States
USDA Zone: 6a (-10 to -5 F / -23.3 to -20.6 C)
After a recent move, my list of roses has shrunk considerably. Only at the last minute did I know I would be moving into a place that had room for roses. Now I have the decision on whether to expand the list again. Pretty sure my budget will be the determining factor on that front. So, if foresee a bit more stability for my rose list in the future.

I still maintain that growing roses in containers is easy, much more so than other plants I have grown in pots. Five years in now, I still love the roses quite a bit. Looking forward to replacing some favorites that have died or that were given away in the panic of last year's move.

An update--a couple of years after my move I once again have more roses than I thought I would. I have started giving away roses that grow too large for my containers or the yard at a couple of yearly give=aways that happen here in Lawrence. I also have started a go fund me page if anyone wants to help me buy potting soil. Don't really expect too much from that, but every little bit helps.
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