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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Hazlewood Bros. Pty. Ltd
(1912)  Page(s) 11.  
Hybrid Tea. Albatross Ivory white. Poor grower.
(1936)  Page(s) 36.  
New Roses 1936.  Albert Maumene (Pernt. J. Sauvageot 1934) The oval bud is carrot red shaded copper and opens into a large and very full flower, the inside of petals golden carroty red, strongly shaded copper, while the exterior is red shaded orange yellow. Very sweetly perfumed. 4/- each,
Very variable colour, while petals number from 20 to 30. Very attractive.
(1937)  Page(s) 43.  
New Roses 1936.  Albert Maumene  Pernt. (J. Sauvageot 1934) F. 3.  Reddish copper buds, opening to golden coppery, semi-double blooms of a very attractive shade.  Strong grower and a valuable decorative.  Although Pernetiana, it shows no dying back.  A.H.M.Mts.P.S. 
(1929)  Page(s) 28.  
New Roses 1929
Albert Pike (HT) (Vestal, 1927). Handsome bud expanding into full, well shaped cup flower of rich glowing cerise with peach flush at times. The flowers are borne on long strong stems and are continuously produced throughout the season. 5/- each.
Very shapely and full. Fruit Scent. Recommended for trial.
(1924)  Page(s) 18.  
New Roses 1923. Albertine (Wich.) (Barbier) 6. Coppery chamois in the centre, outer petals bright salmon passing to coppery rose, abundantly produced in clusters; bud deep vermilion. Growth extra vigorous, climbing, numerous laterals are produced, which are densely clad with beautiful glossy foliage. Rosa Wichuraiana x ‘Mrs. Arthur Waddell’. Wants further testing.
(1911)  Page(s) 7.  
New Roses from 1910. Alberto N. Calamet Outer petals pale rose, centre of flower flesh white; very large and full, of good habit; buds long.
(1949)  Page(s) 4.  
Novelty Roses 1949. Alemain HT (Longley), 1943). Bright Indian yellow, with 40 petals. The branches carry many thorns, but so far this variety has not been outstanding. 7/6 each.
(1922)  Page(s) 21.  
(27) Alex. Hill Gray (T.) (A. Dickson) F. 2. Lemon yellow blooms of perfect shape. Free blooming and fragrant. A good variety.
(1912)  Page(s) 5.  
Tea Roses for 1912. Alexander Hill Gray. Very large flowers, of great substance and perfect form; colour deep lemon yellow, strongly tea scented. ​Gold medal, N.R.S.
(1924)  Page(s) 33.  
General List. (42) Alexander Hill Gray (Tea. A. Dickson 1911 ) F.2. ....a splendid exhibition rose.
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