Cants of Colchester (after 1967)
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Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Mile End Colchester, Essex United Kingdom
Code = CAN---
Established 1967 as a merger of Benjamin R. Cant & Sons of Mile End, Colchester with Frank Cant & Co of Stanway, Colchester. CANTS of Colchester [From Roses: Species and Varieties; Description and Photographs, by Van Dijk and Kurpershoek, p. 14:] The family firm of Cants of Colchester has been breeding roses for more than two centuries. In the 1960s there was some rivalry between two Cant cousins, who then decided to work together instead of in competition. New roses introduced by this firm are 'Just Joey', in 1972, and 'Alpine Sunset', in 1974 [From the company website] Clifford Pawsey ( - 1997), married with Diana Cant, daughter of Cecil and Mildred Cant of Mile End. Martin, Roger and Angela Pawsey, children of Clifford and Diana Pawsey