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Christensen, Jack E.
'Christensen, Jack E.'  photo
Photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Sun Oct 2024
United States
Jack Christensen (1949 Glendale Ca. - March 10, 2021) was a dynamo. He has hybridized over 80 roses. He is the youngest individual to ever have developed an All-American Rose. He is also one of the first major rose hybridizers to set up a site on the Worldwide Web. There are a number of photos of his roses on his site, by the way. He has been an independent rose hybridizer since 1987.
[From Botanica's Roses, p. 677:] Christensen succeeded Swim at Armstrongs and has been active since the 1970s...
[Some of his roses were registered in conjunction with H.C. Swim and you'll find them listed under "Swim and Christensen".]
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