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Mouchotte, Jacques

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Rose Breeder, Author and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
A breeder with the House of Meilland.

[From Sixth Annual Goulding Memorial Lecture, Newsletter of the Societe des roses du Quebec Rose Society, December 2000 / February 2001, p. 13-15:] Jacques Mouchotte, Research Director, Meilland Group... In 1978, M. Mouchotte was promoted in charge of Meilland's Hybrid Tea, Floribunda and Climbing rose breeding programs. Some of his better known varieties are 'Bonica', 'Debut', 'Carefree Wonder', and 'Carefree Delight'. His more recent achievement has been hybridizing the beautiful Romantica Series of roses which is receiving world-wide acclaim. He attributes his success in rose breeding to his mentor and teacher, Mme. Louise Meilland... he is the only non member of the Meilland family working in their rose breeding program.

The story behind the rose Cream Yves Piaget

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