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pic taken 4/28/2011
Uploaded 29 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/19/2011
Uploaded 26 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/28/2011 portion of top of bush
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 29 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/26/2011, currently measures 39"tall x 44" wide. extra growth spurt after pruning earlier spring and fish emulsion:)
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 26 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/28/2011, partial bush photo
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 29 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/26/2011, currently measures 43"tall x 40" wide. This is a beautiful no problem rose for me.
Uploaded 26 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/26/2011. currently measures 42" tall x 50" wide.
Uploaded 26 APR 11 |
pic taken 4/26/2011, currently measures 36"tall x 44" wide. this is full sun rose and hard for me to get a good bush photo. This is a beautifully bright rose bush. (on the left of it is Dancing Flame.)
Uploaded 26 APR 11 |