A lovely photo. I wish my Golden Celebration looked this good!
#1 of 1 posted
2 DEC 10 by
this is a beautiful Ispahan shot Carsten, thanks for posting :) Maribel
Initial post
3 JUL 10 by
Hello Maribel,
my husband and I just looked your wunderful roses and we read your comment. My husband said, that Empress Josephine is a Frankfurterianer Rose. Official it's in Gallica categorie, but they have different characters. That may be the reason for your difficulties with her. The rose is very pretentious in comparison with the Gallica Roses. Their blossoms are espacially sensitive. May be it's the best way to enjoy Empress Josephine with all her problems. If you like to have a lady (rose) you should enjoy her like she wish to be.
P.S. The Frankfurterianer Roses are from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th century. In the 19th century the nurseries cultivated a lot of Gallica Roses but no Frankurterian Roses. May be the reason is, that they knew about the difficulties with them. Nevertheless the Frankfurtarian Roses are still alive.
hi Andrea Thanks a lot, it's very interesting to hear about EJ's Franfurterianer descent. You are right, we should enjoy the roses exactly as they are! My EJ has got less floppy with age, and always flowers beautifully. I wouldn't be without it. I'll try to post a pic of the whole bush after the holidays. wishing you a lovely rose season Maribel
Initial post
21 JAN 06 by
This is a vigorous, free-blooming, disease resistant climber in my garden. The blooms have a light fragrance and are long lasting.
I agree, it's very vigorous, individual blooms don't last long but they keep coming. No disease on mine so far either. Great rose. Strong but ethereal and delicate looking