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Dakota Redwing

Floribunda.  Dark purple and crimson, fuchsia / magenta reverse.  Dark maroon/crimson in Spring and Fall, often redder in mid-Summer. Outer petals tend towards purple and center is more red..  Moderate, carnation, old rose, opinions vary fragrance.  Medium, full (26-40 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped-to-flat bloom form.  Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season.  USDA zone 6a and warmer.  Height of 4' to 7' (120 to 215 cm).  Width of 3' to 5' (90 to 150 cm). Paul Barden (2006).

1 favorite vote.  Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  

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Hybrid Canina.  Crimson to red, darker shading.  Strong fragrance.  Large, full (26-40 petals), cluster-flowered, cupped-to-flat bloom form.  Once-blooming spring or summer.  USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Height of up to 8' 2" (up to 250 cm).   Rudolf Geschwind (1829-1910) (1894).

1 favorite vote.  

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