HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
'Lover's Blush' rose photo
Photo courtesy of mindy0326
United States
My name is Melinda (Mindy) and I am 35 years old, I reside in Corpus Christi, Texas. Zone 9 b. Extremely hot, humid summers, triple digits. Normally very mild winters.
Roses helped me heal through a very difficult time in my life, after a very invasive surgery, a spinal fusion. I struggle with depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions and roses have really inspired me and saved me in so many ways. Their beauty and their strength, their perseverance to tackle whatever pests, disease comes their way. They are resilient. I like to compare it to my journey. My garden is very young but growing rapidly. I have over 100 roses, please don't judge, haha. Most of them don't ship until Spring so I have some time to plan. It's just so addicting! I know I am among others who understand. :)
Beginner (2 years)
Last visit: Friday, February 23rd

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