HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Lazy Rosarian
most recent 13 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 SEP 16 by Lazy Rosarian
Yes, I will contact Burlington Nursery to make arrangements to have 5-6 Grandmere Jenny's propagating the Grandmere Jennys. If you have Berolina, Chondos Beauty, Love's Promise, Royal Dane, Gruss an Teplitz, Dame de Coeur, Grace de Monaco I will gladly pay you for the cuttings (I need 4-5 of each ) and I will make arrangements with Burlington Nursery to propagate them. That way these vintage roses will still be available to the public. If you do not have these roses but know where to find them , there is a rose society in California that has auctions each year, you might try there. I will pay for each rose cutting.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 SEP 16 by jmile
Right now my rose garden is in a state of disorder. I have been having health problems (knees) and haven't given it the time it needs. This Fall I will order in a crew to take out all of the weeds and prune the roses that have survived our water problems. The Irrigation System that services us has once again had problems with their old pipes and my roses have suffered for the second year in a row. This time it was only a month without water last year it was two months. It always happens during the hottest months when the earth dries out and cracks --cracking the concrete pipes. will let you know which of the roses I have when I get thru with the pruning. I do know that I have Chandos Beauty.
most recent 13 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 SEP 16 by Lazy Rosarian
Could you please email me the name of the rose society that you are a member of so that I can contact them to try to buy different roses from your auction. Thank you. Margaret Lamb
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 SEP 16 by nsdjohn
Hi Margaret, the website is I am just finishing up the list for this year's auction and should begin posting the varieties next week.
Best, John
most recent 29 JUN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 JUN 15 by Lazy Rosarian
Hello Beth:
I am looking for three rooted cuttings of Beryl Bach. Had a Beryl Bach from Vintage Gardens but it died. If you could root three cuttings for me I will pay for the rooted cuttings and for shipping. Thank you. Margaret
Reply #1 of 3 posted 5 JUN 15 by Patricia Routley
Dear Margaret Lamb (Lazy Rosarian)

I responded to one of your numerous requests on August 29 as follows:

As Admin said last June, "This type of posting is best done with HMF's private message feature."
It would be great if you could find your way to supporting HelpMefind with a premium membership.

So this is the third time we are requesting that you use the private message feature to contact members. In case you are unaware of how to do this, go into the recipient's page and on the top left (in gray scale), you will see SEND PM. It is indeed very simple.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 29 JUN 16 by Lazy Rosarian
This member does not accept private messages. What do I do now? How do I contact Beth in Northern California?
Reply #3 of 3 posted 29 JUN 16 by Give me caffeine
Don't worry about Beth. Just contact Hortico in Waterdown, Ontario. It's only just up the road from you, and they do mail order, and they grow this rose. Other US members, further from them than you are, have ordered from them before. No reason why you can't.
most recent 25 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 16 by Lazy Rosarian
If you still grow John S Armstrong, could you tell me if it gets tall, 6-7 feet, and does it have leathery foliage? Also does it have 40 plus petals and stays red, ie it doesn't turn purplish like some reds tend to do. I am trying to replace a beautiful true red Hybrid tea that grew to over 6 feet, had no fragrance, had 40 plus petals and leathery foliage and stayed red (didn't turn purple when it aged. Thank you Margaret Lamb
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