How Do I…
Adding yourself, organization or company to HelpMeFind is easy and FREE.

Currently, HelpMeFind includes listings for

Nurseries / Suppliers
Hybridizers / Breeders / Discoverers / Collectors
Public, Private and Member Gardens
Societies / Organizations
Plant and Gardening Authors

If you are not already a registered member, please do this first. It's free and there is no obligation - see the NEW MEMBER button on top of every page page.

Look for the "Add New Listing" option on the appropriate listing tab (Nurseries, Gardens, etc.) and click the radio button next to it. You will be presented with a form to enter your listing name. You will also need to supply a guest id, password and email address. Access to your listing is controlled by your guest id and password. Your email address is needed for us to send you an email confirmation when your listing is reviewed and approved. Your email address is not shared with anyone.

The review and approval process normally takes less than 24 hours. Your email confirmation will include a link to your new listing and you can begin updating it immediately.

That's it ! Please contact us if you have any problems.