How Do I…
If you are not a registered member or you have registered in the past but you have not signed in properly, you will show as anonymous. The problem is easily resolved.

If you have never registered, now is the time. It's free and opens up many additional features. Begin by clicking the NEW MEMBER button along the top. This will display a form to guide you through the process. Be sure to use the ? HELP button for more detailed instructions.

If you have already registered but you're coming up as anonymous, follow these steps.

Click the SIGN IN button to bring up the sign in form. You will be prompted for your HMF email address and password. Remember to use the ? HELP button for additional help and instructions.

Click the FORGOT PASSWORD checkbox if you have forgotten the HMF password you entered when you registered. You will need to provide your HMF email address. The email address you enter here must be the one you used when you registered. When you click the CONTINUE button, we will immediately email you a new password to use.

If your email address has changed, please send us a message with your old and new email addresses.

If you continue to have a problem please let us know, we want to help.