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'MACeye' rose References
Book  (1980)  
p115. Review of Newer Roses.
'Eye Paint' Vermilion. No. of reports 7. Years grown 4. Average height 140cm. NRS rating 6.9
Nelson: Must be planned as a specimen shrub to give maximum effect. Richmond: One for the back position. At its best early. Has repeated slowly this year. Disbud the stems. Taranaki: Still growing, now using as a climber.

p122. Symposium on Floribunda Roses. Canterbury Rose Society, 1979.
'Eye Paint' We received five reports about this new release. It came thirteenth on our list, but all report it in some detail. Four write enthusiastically about the "novelty" and difference this rose has to offer. They all say this should be let to become a shrub, for as one, you will see it as its best. Two mention also when seen amongst other roses, in a formal rose bed, it looks "odd" and positively "unrose" like. Put in a shrubbery with a green background, then you have a real spectacle! Our fifth reporter just says it is very vigorous and forms a good bush. The foliage is small but very plentiful, in a darkish green colour. It sends up many new basals each season after the spring flush of flowers are over. Only one mentions any real disease worrying her bush and that is blackspot, though she does admit it could be caused by the plants situation. Another says he found red spider to be very attracted to its foliage. Apart from this, the other reporters say their bushes appear to resist all diseases, and rain and spray damage. But it is the little five or six petalled flower that is the main attraction, for they have very bright red or vermilion petal with a yellow to cream centre or eye, and golden stamens. Throughout the season it is seldom without several of these little red eyes peeping out from the leaves. When it is in a flush the whole bush is just covered with flowers which grow on the ends of the shoots and short laterals. It repeats very quickly all season. They come in large trusses mostly. Deadheading is a waste of time, for the petals drop very easily, heps form in large quantities, yet it continues to produce new ones. There is little fragrance. This is certainly no Show Bench rose but a shrub rose for a background or in a shrubbery - all five recommend it when used thus.
Book  (1979)  Page(s) 15.  
Review of New Roses 1978-1979
'Eye Paint' Red with yellow eye. No. of reports 13. Years grown 3. Average height 160cm. NRS rating 7.7. Hastings: Has not done well in the heat. Canterbury: A background rose for border or shrubbery, healthy and vibrant. Nelson: Showy, give it room, thorny. Lasts well when cut; heads good if disbudded.
Website/Catalog  (1979)  Page(s) 17.  
TAPIS PERSAN ® (Eyepaint) Luxueuse et pourtant simple, une fleur veloutée au coloris rouge éclatant à centre blanc. Floraison permanente dans un feuillage abondant et dru, 40/60 cm.
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 99.  
Sam McGredy. A Hand-Painted Family Tree.
MACyeleye was a very large shrub covered in bright orange single flowers with a golden yellow eye - most attractive, although not a commercial possibility. It was raised in the same year as 'Picasso', the first of the handpainted type to be marketed. MACyeleye and 'Picasso', in turn, gave me 'Matangi' and 'Eyepaint'. Hard as I have tried with 'Matangi', I have nothing of promise from it. 'Eyepaint' is a different story. It is a poor germinator although the seed sets readily.

p101 Parentage chart shows 'Eyepaint' was bred in 1969
Magazine  (Feb 1977)  Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 34.  
Baden-Baden, Médaille d'Or, Eye Paint, P, Sam McGredy NZ
Magazine  (Feb 1977)  Page(s) 1. trim., inside back cover.  Includes photo(s).
Tapis Persan
Book  (1977)  Includes photo(s).
p26. New Zealand International Rose Trial Awards. Trial Six, 1976.
Certificate of Merit. 74/564* 'Eye Paint'. Fl. S. McGredy, New Zealand.
[*A trial number, not a breeder code number]

p32. Photo. 'Eyepaint' (McGredy). Certificate of Merit, 1976.
Book  (1977)  
p118. Centenary International Rose Conference. Rose Breeding.
On the subject of making selections, Sam McGredy said he had so many seedlings growing under glass that he had to make a selection on the first flower. If he didn't eliminate, overcrowding was a problem causing leaf-drop. Economically, he could not keep all the seedlings and out of 100,000 seedlings he came down to 2,000 in the first year, eliminating nearly all the singles, except 'Eyepaint' (laughter), and those of bad colour, bad foliage and bad constitution....

p182. International Awards, 1976.
New Zealand. Certificate of Merit. 'Eye Paint' (Flori). McGredy.
Baden-Baden. Gold Medal. 'Eye Paint' (Flori). McGredy, New Zealand.
Book  (1976)  
Inside front cover. Avenue Nurseries advertisement. 'Eye Paint'. Has just won the coveted world award for this year's most outstanding advance in rose breeding. A big healthy plant with continuous displays of vermilion blooms with a golden eye produced in arching sprays and clusters right through the season. Bred by Sam McGredy.

p33. Pamela Morrah. Trial Six – The Pick of the Bunch
I’m intriqued and fascinated with what is entered and the new qualities each brings; ….and ‘Eye Paint’ with their unusual character, original markings and remarkably quick repeat.....Do you remember the single pillar rose 'Cocktail' with its sparkling central eye? 'Eye Paint' or is it 'Eyepaint'? has this clematis like look but with a much stronger contrast in colour, velvety red and cream. I read that this rose has recently won a special award at the Hague trials. As I write the trial bushes of it here are glowing with colour and the next crop of buds are ready to provide more.
Website/Catalog  (1976)  Page(s) 26.  
TAPIS PERSAN ® (Eyepaint) Nouveauté 76 Fleurs simples, veloutées, rouge éclatant à centre blanc. Floraison vigoureuse et permanente sur un feuillage dru.

[not listed in 1978, but again in 1979]
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