'WEKfunk' rose Reviews & Comments
The description Helpmefind uses is "cream with pink edges aging to red" but mine, when cut, age to white.... On the bush, in the sun, they turn red. Comments?
Like Double Delight and others which darken with heat and light, Dick Clark will open white indoors and in cool, low sun weather and climates. As you stated, it turns red in the garden, meaning it "burns" with hotter sun and light exposure.
I didn't ask the second question.... All the pics I see are red, very few pink. Even when I take a pic of it it comes out redder than the real thing... That is what surprises me about this rose. Of course it could just be my photographic capability.
No, not your ability. It is common for living tissue to photograph with a color shift. Your eyes and brain "see" the effects of light and pigment and interpret it as one thing. The camera records exactly what the light waves reflected into it are, so appear differently from what your eye "sees". It's very common when photographing purple roses for them to come out very red, though to your eyes, they are quite blue. You'll find many comments here in the Comments Section about that particular color shift.
#4 of 6 posted
2 NOV 11 by
This is very frustrating with some dark red or purple coloured roses. Some expensive cameras have a possibility to adjust for this colour shift. I have found that the best (true-to-eye) pictures are made early morning with somewhat overcast skies.
That, or in the shade. The "blue" which makes them purple is Ultraviolet, most prevalent in those types of conditions. In traditional photography, a UV filter was commonly used to eliminate the UV from photographs so skin tones were warm enough and all other colors were represented naturally, instead of being too blue.
As it has already been explained, to some degree, some roses are photosensitive, meaning the flowers change color, especially when exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun. Most of us associate this phenomenon with 'Double Delight', but another more dramatic example in roses is 'Masquerade', introduced in 1949... check out some of the photos on HMF. The two bushes I have of 'Dick Clark' have flowers displaying color change in varying degrees, resulting from their photosensitivity, and weather conditions as well. The base of the petals is often yellow, depending on condtions... check out the picture I posted on HMF. It looks like a good variety. One of my first year bushes exceeded 6 feet. I am anxious to see what the two bushes do next year as they mature. Enjoy your roses!
As of today, my two first year bushes are thriving. A strong grower and prolific bloomer, the beautiful flower coloring shows well against the healthy shiney foliage. Well shaped blooms all have a good center. Just wish it had more fragance, which is only slight. Check out the photo posted today.
JAN 2011 - DICK CLARK is sold at Summer Winds Nursery in NorCAL, and currently on sale less 20%
Initial post
14 JUL 10 by
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Available from - Chamblee Rose Nursery http://www.chambleeroses.com/index.php