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The Rarest Rose
Discussion id : 11-378
most recent 13 MAR 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 MAR 06 by Kim Rupert
I'd think that a very good candidate for the rarest rose would be R. minutifolia. It's only found in two small places in the World, one in San Diego County, California, and one in Baja, California (Mexico). It's not grown in many public gardens, and in relatively few private ones. There are no known hybrids of it, though Ralph Moore has tried time and again to get it to breed.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 MAR 06 by Terre
I used this rose as a 1' HX 15' W border (15 roses) in the California Native Garden I installed at the Los Angeles Zoo with a grant from the American Zoological Horticulturist (AZH) Society, Kim. Unfortunately, following your inquiry I visited the site and not only are the roses no longer there, neither is the garden! However, I bought these from Tree of Life Nursery in the San Diego area about 8 years ago... I also checked a site where Cal-Trans actually used them on an offramp in Sunland but there's a homeless man willing to work for food there now. I'm not sure who he was talking too on his cellphone...
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