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'Chicago Peace' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 34-865
most recent 16 MAR 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 MAR 09 by Ourayman
Available from - Orchard Supply Hardware/Coiner Nursery
Discussion id : 16-357
most recent 25 JUL 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 JAN 07 by digger
Deb saw some blooms on a Chicago Peace at a nursery back in 1998 and had to have it. We both like Peace and the one in our yard had survived decades before we moved in. I had my doubts about how a sport would perform. Chicago Peace has been a good rose for us. If anything, it performs better than Peace. Our CP is a well behaved bush that gets 4 feet tall and wide. Foliage is thick enough that I like it (I can't see through the bush). It is a dependable critter here, almost a workhorse. We get 25 - 40 blooms per flush. Blooms open a bit fast but look good open. Color fades pretty fast in the sun too. Bloom color really varies, some flushes have even had an orange tinge to them. Never know what those fat buds are going to look like when they open. I detect very little fragrance most of the time and would rate it slight. Deb says CP blooms smell stronger to her, almost moderate.

Chicago Peace is not cane hardy here. Spring growth starts late and is pretty vigorous. CP is usually among the last of our roses to bloom. Turnaround time is a little on the slow side, usually about 7 weeks. That can vary too. Looking back through photo files I see some flushes starting 6 weeks later and some as much as 8 weeks.

Blackspot is not a problem here. Chicago Peace will get a touch of powdery mildew if conditions are right.

South central Montana - zone 4/5
Reply #1 of 4 posted 27 JAN 07 by RoseBlush
Great photo, Dave ! Thanks for sharing the comments on how roses behave in your garden.


Reply #2 of 4 posted 27 JAN 07 by digger
Our pleasure Lyn. It isn't as daunting a task as it first seemed it would be. Decided to just try and do 1 every other day or so. I like the edit feature. I can go back and add stuff my feeble mind forgot initially. Now if Deb doesn't shoot me for all the questions I ask her when writing the posts....

Reply #3 of 4 posted 25 JUL 08 by Robert L.
Hi, Dave and Deb. Seems we have similar tastes in roses. I replied to your very detailed Oklahoma rose post. I also love the Chicago Peace rose and my first one also came from Home Depot, back when I first started gardening, five years ago. Like the Oklahoma rose, it did not take off until this year, probaly due to two year's neglect. However, it just sent out three new, strong canes this year and has given me a record number of blooms to date.

Like you state, I never can tell exactly what color it will be, except that each bloom will be stunning! They are a gorgeous combination of yellow and red when budding, to apricots and pinks in full bloom. The pinks always have a glowing, almost neon quality, making this a truly breathtaking rose. It is one of my favorites and has always been disease free, even with less than six hours of direct sunlight. Maybe this is why it is only about 30" tall. I recently bought another Chicago Peace from one of the largest nurseries in the Bay Area. This bush was nearly three feet, out of the pot and already has many blooms and buds. The pink in the flowers don't glow as much as my older plant but I'm sure they will in time.

Besides Chicago Peace and Oklahoma, another favorite of mine is Peter Mayle. It has grapefruit sized, very fragrant, deep pink blooms and the plant is 6.5'x5'.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 25 JUL 08 by Robert L.
P.S. I also have Peace and like you, I have found that Chicago Peace performs better. It has more blooms, faster rebloom and is totally disease free. In S.F., Peace tends to get black spot for me. CP also has a stronger fragrance than Peace, just like Deb said.
Discussion id : 10-257
most recent 7 OCT 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 OCT 05 by catalyst8
This is a gorgeous rose - won Best of Show with it in our local fair. But it definitely is prone to black spot.
Discussion id : 2-907
most recent 25 SEP 04 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
My chicago peace rose has black spot. I have removed the leaves but the canes are almost bare. Should i prune the bush back or not. Will new leaves come back before it blooms again
Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 APR 04 by Eugenio
Remove and clean up all diseased leaves and remove diseased canes where possible.
Rake and discard all fallen leaves because they are the main source of spores in the spring. Also prune and discard any obviously infected canes. Several fungicides are effective protectants against infection. Spray every 1-2 weeks depending on the weather with: Cleary's 3336, Funginex, Kocide, or Zyban.
Sure, new leaves will come back before it bloom again
Reply #2 of 2 posted 25 SEP 04 by Carlene Gerette
From rosarians I know - the best thing to do it prune it way down - about 1 ft. from the ground - remove all the infected leave (rake them up). The rose will bounce back with new vigor.
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