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'Rosa farreri Stapf ex Cox' rose References
Book  (1943)  Page(s) 58.  
Frank Mason, NZ
The "Threepennybit" Rose, R. Farreri, was growing splendidly. This Rose comes quite true from seed.
Book  (1941)  Page(s) 55.  
Frank Mason, NZ.  Hybrids and Species.
Rosa Farrerii was sent out some years ago as the "threepenny bit Rose." The flower is as large as a shilling and it blooms very freely. This Rose has come quite true from seeds. It is not possible to get it to take by budding; the best way to grow it is by means of cuttings or seeds.
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 60.  
Frank Mason, NZ.  Species and Hybrids.
One which came to me as the threepenny-bit Rose, but which has since been named Farrerii, is very pretty as a shrub. The flowers are as large as a shilling, and are followed by smallish berries. It seems to throw quite true from seed. So far I have had a lot of trouble in propagating it from buds, and have only been able to raise it from cuttings.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 76.  
persetosa Rolfe (cinn. Asiatica) (setipoda-family) [ploidy] 14
Book  (1930)  Page(s) 49.  
Rosa farreri Stapf. The "Threepenny Bit" Rose. 
This lovely Rose, which will be figured shortly in the Botanical Magazine, appeared as a stray in Mr. Bowles's garden among seedlings of F. 544. It is strong growing and makes young shoots up to 5 feet in height and covers an area of 6 feet or  more in diameter. The flowers are salmon-pink with a similar smell to those of the Austrian Copper. It would seem to be intermediate between R. graciliflora and R. Wilmottiae. It is perfectly hardy in any good loam and is easily increased by cuttings. 
Magazine  (12 Oct 1916)  Page(s) 188-189.  
881. Rosa (Cinnamomeae) elegantula, Rolfe; affinis R. sertatae, Rolfe, ramis juvenilibus copiose et graciliter aciculatis et floribus duplo minoribus facile distinguenda.
Frutex ramosus, mediocris; ramuli subglabri, saepissime copiose aculeati, rarius subinermes. Folia conferta, 5-8 cm. longa, 7-9-foliolata; rhachis sparse glandulosa et aculeolata; foliola subsessilia, elliptica vel ovato-elliptica, obtusa, acute et simpliciter dentata, rarius subduplicato-serrata, utrinque glauca, 1-2 cm. longa; stipulae adnatae, anguste oblongae, obtusae tel subobtusae, minutissime ciliato-glandulosae, 5-6 mm. longae. Flores speciosi, saturate rosei, 2.5-3 cm. diametro, in ramulorum brevium apicibus solitarii vel pauci; pedunculi 2 cm. longl laeves. Receptaculum  anguste ovoideo-oblongum, laeve, 5-6 mm. longum. Calycis lobi ovato-lanceolati, caudato-acuminati, interdum subfoliacei, puberuli, minutissime ciliolati, rarissime glandulosi, ciciter 1 cm. longi, patentes. Petala late obcordata. Filamenta glabra, 2-3 mm. longa, antheris aureis. Styli villosi, in columnam 2 mm. longam cohaerentes.

CHINA: Wilson 1165, 1280 (ex hort. Veitch).

A very pretty little rose, readily distinguished from R. sertata, Rolf (Bot. Mag. t. 8473) by its copiously aciculate branches and by the much smaller flowers with vary deep carmine-rose petals. The plants were grown from seeds collected by Mr. E. H. Wilson for Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, with whom it flowered in June, 1908, and subsequently at Kew.
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